PS5: Load Times Slashed thanks to this awesome new feature!

It's the week before the EU and UK and release, but our friends over the pond and elsewhere have started to receive their PS5s.

However, unbeknownst to us, Sony has added a nifty little feature for future owners of the console.

This feature means that, when booting a game, the PS5 will skip logos after having viewed them once.

What does this mean for PS5 owners however? Let's jump into that now!

PS5 boot time feature

This latest feature is incredible from Sony, and skips the monotonous task of sitting through logos at the start of a game.

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PLAY QUICKER: This new feature helps slash boot times!

This feature has been tested by Lance Mcdonald, a prominent figure in the Souls community.

As such, his conclusion about the feature likely comes from the Demon Souls game.

READ MORE: PS5 sold out in Japan with no more launch stock!

This title is made by a first-party studio, so, it remains to be seen if this will happen with third-party games as well.

How the new feature works

This new feature works automatically on the PS5.

PS5 price
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THE CHOICE IS YOURS: The PS5 comes in 2 versions, Digital and Disc

This means that, for those who own the console, the second time you start a game you won't have to sit through the logo screens.

Lance even mentions that if you delete your save, the feature still works.

As such, if you deleted the saved data you have for a game, the PS5 will still recognise it's not your first time playing.

PlayStation 5

The PlayStation 5 launches today across much of the world.

ps5 accessories
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ACCESSORIES: The console has a plethora of awesome tech to get your hands on

This includes North America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore and South Korea.

The console launches next week for other markets, on 19 November.

READ MORE: Spider-Man Miles Morales - PS4 saves will transfer to PS5!

The PS5 is £449.99 for the main console, and £349.99 for the Digital Edition.

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