Grady Sizemore revealed as first 3rd Inning Boss

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MLB The Show 21 is preparing to launch the 3rd Inning Program to carry Diamond Dynasty forward, and they've now revealed one of the 3rd Inning Bosses.

The first name dropped was legendary outfielder Grady Sizemore, who will be up for grabs as a 3rd Inning Boss in MLB The Show 21 Diamond Dynasty.

Grady Sizemore is the first 3rd Inning Boss in Diamond Dynasty

MLB The Show 21 is planning to host a live content stream at 11:30pm PT (1:30pm CT/2:30pm ET) on June 4, 2021 revealing full details of the new 3rd Inning Program.

MLB The Show 21 Grady Sizemore 3rd Inning Boss Diamond Dynasty How to Unlock
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DIVE FOR IT: The new reveal happened on The Lead Off

That content reveal can be watched live by clicking here, but they've also gotten a head start by dropping one of the three 3rd Inning Bosses early in an episode of The Lead Off.

Grady Sizemore will be one of the three 3rd Inning Bosses, and his 97 OVR card will celebrate the 30-30 Club he joined by having 33 home runs and 38 stolen bases during the 2008 season with the Cleveland Indians.

How to Unlock Grady Sizemore in MLB The Show 21

Grady Sizemore won't be unlockable until the release of the 3rd Inning Program at Noon PT (2pm CT/3pm ET) on June 4, 2021.

Once the 3rd Inning Program goes live, players will need to work their way through the reward track by earning XP from playing MLB The Show 21 to get access to Sizemore in Diamond Dynasty.

New challenges like Conquest, Collections, and more will offer chances to earn large amounts of XP, but we won't have more details on that until the 3rd Inning Program is released in full.