The Quarry Release Date - What we know so far

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The Quarry is a brand new game from Supermassive Games styled after classic horror and their previous titles House of Ashes, Man of Medan, Little Hope and Until Dawn. If you're looking to get in on its launch, this is what you need to know.

The Quarry Release Date

The Quarry finally launches on June 10th, in just a few short weeks. This comes just half a year after their last project, House of Ashes. This being said, it seems likely that the development of these games is split among different teams. The Quarry is going through a different publisher than The Dark Pictures Anthology and clearly has a very different tone. If you don't want to commit to the full series of The Dark Pictures Anthology, this seems like a great starting point.

Taking inspiration from classic horror, you can see the bones of their previous games in there but perhaps the most obvious is comparisons to Until Dawn. Its campy feel and great cast make this one worth keeping an eye on.

The Quarry Release Time

We don't yet have an official release time just yet but we do know some things about it. The Quarry is launching worldwide on PlayStation, Xbox and PC.

This launch means that the console releases will likely happen at around midnight. The PC launch is exclusive to Epic Games and their preload system isn't quite as solid. At a guess, we could imagine PC players being a little behind consoles.

The Quarry Editions

There are two main versions of The Quarry you can buy. The Standard Edition comes with a special visual filter pack if you preorder. This will change the aesthetic of the game with a new camera lens.

The Deluxe Edition, on the other hand, comes with instant access to Death Rewind, a mechanic that lets you take back choices to play them again. You can also get "'80s Themed Character Outfits", "Gorefest Movie Mode" and "Horror History Visual Filters". If anything changes before launch, we will update you right here.