Everyone's favourite mythic hardman and 'boy' are heading on another adventure next year, and we couldn't be more excited.
The teaser showcased not too long ago didn't give us much to work with, but just hearing Kratos speak once more was enough to give us chills.
Even though God of War amassed multiple awards, and praise from both critics and players alike, there were a few things we'd be excited to see more of this time around...
Massive Boss Battles!
Kicking the living daylights out of Balder was satisfying and epic, yes, but the dragon? Now THAT was amazing.
There was a build-up to the event that was second to none, and we would challenge anyone not to drop their jaw in disbelief as you're attacking the dragon from inside its own mouth!
When Kratos finishes the job, in probably the coolest pose ever seen in a game, we couldn't wait for our next massive boss battle.
But it never 'really' came.
Instead, we had Balder and a re-animated giant to go to town on.
We're not complaining (honestly) but if you take a trip back through previous instalments, the sheer scale and variety of bosses was astounding.
From God of War 3's opening fight sequence with Poseidon, to literally fighting ON Cronos, we were simply blown away with how many memorable moments there were to be had.
What do we need more of?
We want to see Kratos take down more than just trolls and 'regular sized' foes. We want to see Kratos use the environment to defeat enormous monsters that we've never seen before!
More Weapons
Being able to use the Blades of Chaos was such a surprise and it was just...awesome.
Again, the story builds up to this moment and delivers with an incredible score as you powerfully step out of your home, to absolutely destroy everyone in your path.
Kratos is no stranger to using a whole host of legendary weapons to his advantage (most of them not his property to begin with...poor Hercules).
We'd like to see other Norse Mythology weapons feature in God of War Ragnorok, and there are plenty to choose from.
Notably, swords feature quite prominently in the tales, and we're yet to see Kratos use a sword in one hand (that we know of).
Could we see some old Spartan moves come out in the next game? Some '300' moments?
We're hoping so.
More variety of finishing moves
Now as amazing as it was axing a troll in the head, then using his own weapon against him, it lost its charm after a while.
The animation was incredible regardless, and we won't even pretend to understand the amount of work that went into this, but it would have been great to have more variety in God of War Ragnarok.
This goes for every enemy in the game, as those finishers can provide both a brutal display of strength from Kratos and a welcome change of pace to some of the battles too.
But look, let's face it, we're massively knit-picking here. The game was near-enough to complete perfection.
But with this next instalment, they need to somehow deliver more than that.
We'd wish Santa Monica studios good luck...but something tells us they won't need it!
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