Does New World have Mounts?

Aeternum is a dense and sprawling open world that offers a challenge for anyone looking to traverse it. Will New World throw us a bone and let us use mounts to get around that little bit quicker?

Let's take a look at whether or not mounts are in New World...

Does New World have Mounts?

No, New World does not utilize mounts as a way to get around the slow traversal around Aternum. The idea of mounts has been thrown around since the initial closed alpha and developers have not been particularly receptive.

New World Fast Travel Mounts
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Fast Travel is done from settlements and shrines

That doesn't mean that the possibility is completely off the table. One thing that Amazon Studios have promised is that early feedback and player data will drive decisions moving forward. The speed at which players are currently able to navigate Aeternum is raising concerns as it artificially adds to the already general grind of MMORPGs.

New World does have a cosmetic store and paid content is available which is an ideal way to introduce mounts to the game. It could, however, be seen as monetising a basic feature meaning mounts should also be earnable with in-game currency or as a quest reward.

How to Navigate New World

The best way to navigate Aeternum quickly is by using a mix of the fast travel and inn recall system. Fast travel is only available within settlements or at shrines and offers a point A to point B system. It uses an in-game resource called Azoth. The further away you are from where you are travelling, the more expensive the cost of the travel.

New World Azoth Fast Travel
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Fast Travel costs Azoth which can be earned in game

Inn recall allows you to return to the currently registered location once every hour. It's very handy in the early hours of the game but once you begin opening up the world, its usefulness is diminished.