How to Play LoLdle 2022: Classic, Quote, Ability, Splash

LoLdle is the latest craze in the Riot Games community. Additionally, the League of Legends-themed wordle is beginning to gain popularity amongst players.

The web-based guessing game was inspired by Wordle. However, popularity for this game mode is still gaining and it looks like this version may even be bigger than the inspiration.

So, let's take a look at what it is and how each game mode is played.

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What is LoLdle and who created it?

Loldle is a League of Legends-themed version of the web-based word game Wordle. Pimeko made a Reddit post advertising his new website and since then, people are obsessed.

The developer said...

"Inspired by the famous Wordle game, simply type in the name of the champion. It will show you the champion's properties like gender, positions, species, ... to help you get closer to the answer!”"


The classic game mode of LoLdle is fairly simple. Players must guess the champion by guessing a random champion and using the process of elimination.

Loldle solution au
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Every day the champion will change. This keeps players on their toes and keeps things exciting.


The quote game mode of LoLdle is a little trickier than the classic mode. Players must guess the champion by the quote which is displayed.

LoLdle quote
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If players are struggling with this one, then after 5 guesses, an audio clip will be played. This gives players another opportunity and makes the whole process easier.


The ability game mode is probably the trickiest of them all. Players will get an image of an ability and must guess the champion that it belongs to.

loldle ability 2022
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Once again, after four tries, the player will receive a hint of that champion's name.


Splash game mode pretty much follows the formula of the other game modes. Players must guess which section of a splash is being displayed. This could be the basic champion splash or a skin line too.

LoLdle Splash guess
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