FIFA 23: How to recover quick-sold players

FIFA 23 is just around the corner, which means it's time to knuckle down and learn all the tricks of the trade ahead of the new game.

With that in mind, let's take a look at how you can recover your quick-sold players and maintain harmony within your FIFA Ulitmate Team.

Quick-Sold Recovery

If you have quick-sold a player in Ultimate Team and wish to get them back, you can do so using the FIFA 23 Web App.

This feature allows you to recover cards that have been quick-sold in the past 7 days, meaning any mistakes can quickly be ratified.

In order to recover the quick-sold player you will need to:

  1. Log in to the FIFA Web App
  2. Go to your club
  3. Select 'Quick Sell Recovery'
  4. Use the calendar icon to find the day on which you quick-sold the player from your club
  5. Select the player item you wish to recover and select 'Recover'
  6. The item you restore will go back to your ‘Unassigned’ items, and the coins retrieved from the quick sell will be instantly deducted.

Note: in order to recover the quick-sold player, you must have the coins in your club that you received for that quick sell.

If you quick-sold a player and received 10k, but do not have 10k when you wish to recover them, you will be unable to get them back.

Things to note

There are some limitations to quick-sell recovery feature that you need to be mindful of.

  • You will have 7 days to recover an item and only player items are eligible for recovery.
  • If you delete your club, you will not be able to recover items from that club.
  • You can only undo five quick sells per 31-day period. The Web App will keep track of how many you have remaining.
  • Loan items cannot be recovered.

This feature isn't widely known but can be a great help when easing your worries after any quick-sold mistakes.

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