Here's how the FOF Summer Stars cards will work in FUT

The Festival of FUTball promo is fully underway, and EA has announced that a brand new card type will be coming to FUT!

So, check out how Summer Stars cards will work and when they will be arriving below.

Latest - Summer Stars Release Date

The latest loading screen has confirmed that the Summer Stars will land in Ultimate Team on Friday, 2 July, at approximately 6pm BST / 1pm ET.

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COMING SOON - Summer Stars will be joining FUT 21 soon

We can expect the new cards next week, so get ready for plenty of loading screens teasing what is to come.

Whether this is a one off squad to celebrate the Group Stage we aren't sure, but that would leave room for another squad to be released as a Team of the Knockout Stage in July.

How do Summer Stars cards work?

We have confirmation that Summer Stars will be added to Ultimate Team during Festival of FUTball, so how will they work?

A passage from PlayStation's FIFA 21 page reads as follows:

The top individual performers during this month of play will be featured in Summer Stars, where eligible players will receive large permanent upgrades based on how they compete for their team.
fifa 21 festival of futball summer stars
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UP NEXT - Summer Stars could be the next arrival

To us, this looks like a Team of the Group Stage type squad as it appears to be based on performance.

Large permanent upgrades also suggest an in-form style card, so we are certainly excited to see what EA produces.

Summer Stars Card Design Revealed?

The image below has been making the rounds on social media, with the blue variant being shouted out as the Summer Stars design.

We'll let you know as soon as it is officially revealed by EA or in-game.