World of Warcraft Shadowlands 9.2's release signifies tons of new content, from a new raid in Sepulcher of the First Ones to the return of tier sets. But out of all of the new features, one, in particular, grabbed more attention than others, the Belt of Unity.
This new Legendary Belt gives players the ability to have two Legendary effects: one Covenant and one non-Covenant.
Like non-Covenant Legendaries, it can be crafted via the Runecarver but there are a few things that need to be done before players can do that.
With this in mind, here's how to get your Legendary Belt of Unity in Shadowlands 9.2, and how to transfer your Covenant Memory effects to other gear slots with the Runecarver.
How to obtain the Belt of Unity in Shadowlands 9.2
For the new update, two Legendaries isn't just one Legendary plus the Covenant Legendary, instead, 9.2 will bring on a whole new Legendary, The Belt of Unity.
The Belt of Unity is a Legendary armor piece that gives a unique effect based on your class and active Covenant. These effects are powerful and change with your character as you swap Covenants.
To obtain this new Legendary, players must first start the new story Campaign in Zereth Mortis and like any other campaign, Chapters will release weekly. This means that players won't get their hands on a second Legendary right off the bat.

To start off, Week 1 will come with Chapters 1 through 3, after that, single chapters will be released in the subsequent weeks. Players will want to be looking at Chapter 7 which releases on week 5 as this is the week that will reward them with the Belt of Unity. This Legendary Belt grants the Covenant Legendary Ability.
At first, the Covenant Legendary will be stuck on the belt slot, but once they complete the Campaign and reach Revered with the Enlightened faction, they'll be able to access the Memory of Unity, which grants the ability to swap the Runcarving Effect on a different armor slot.
Covenant Legendary Effects
Now that you have your Belt of Unity, you need to know its effect. And as mentioned before, each effect is based on the class you play and the Covenant you're siding with.
Here are a few of these effects:
Death Knight
- Kyrian Final Sentence: When Shackle the Unworthy spreads, instantly gain a Rune and your damage is increased by 3%, stacking up to 15% for 18 sec.
- Necrolord Abomination's Frenzy: Abomination Limb's duration is increased by 4 sec and the frequency it grants Bone Shield / Rime / Runic Corruption is increased by 2 sec. Additionally, enemies pulled by Abomination Limb take 10% increased damage from you for 12 sec.
- Night Fae Rampant Transference: The strength gained from Death's Due is increased by 2% and persists for 2 sec longer. While standing within your Death's Due your Runic Power generation is increased by 20%.
- Venthyr Insatiable Hunger: When Swarming Mist ends it deals (86.42% of Attack power) Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies, healing you for 25% of the damage dealt. The damage is increased by 2% for every 1 Runic Power spent while Swarming Mist is active.
- Kyrian Harmonic Echo: Damage dealt to enemies affected by Radiant Spark's vulnerability echo to 4 nearby enemies for 30% of the damage dealt.
- Necrolord Death's Fathom: Your Fireball, Frostbolt, and Arcane Blast have a chance to grant Deathborne for 8 sec. While in the form of a skeletal mage the spell damage granted is increased by 1% for each enemy hit by Fireball, Frostbolt, and Arcane Blast.
- Night Fae Heart of the Fae: Shifting Power can be channeled while moving. Each enemy hit by Shifting Power grants you 1% Critical Strike and Haste, up to 10% for 15sec.
- Venthyr Sinful Delight: Consuming [Frost: Brain Freeze], [Fire: a Fire Blast charge], [Arcane: Clearcast] reduces Mirrors of Torment's cooldown by 4 sec. If Mirrors of Torment is dispelled the cooldown is reduced by 45 sec.
For the rest of the Classes' Covenant Specific Legendaries, please visit our hub here.