Valorant New Agents in 2023 - agent roles, details, and more

Valorant agents

Valorant agents

Valorant has revealed a new state of agents clip for 2023 and revealed a bunch of new information. Included in the clip were some big hints about the three new agents that will be released this year.

Speculation has risen galore since the subtle messages. One of the agents has already been released, but there isn't anything official said about the other two.

As mentioned above, Riot Games have not given us much official information about the other two new agents. But, the community are piecing together leaks to help try and discuss the new agents.

So, let's look at what information we have about the new agents being released in 2023 as stated in the State of Agents 2023 for Valorant.

State of Agents 2023 Video

A clip posted on the official Twitter page of Valorant gave fans some insight into what to expect this year with agent releases.

Character producer of agents in Valorant, John Goscicki, gave the community some ideas of what to expect with new agents.

Players in the community should expect to see a new initiator and controller agent added to the game this year.

But, John Goscicki then went silent and was a little bit mysterious about the role of the last hero to be released.

Valorant Player's Reactions and Speculation

The coy shyness about the role of the last agent added has left many to believe that there may be a new role added to the game. After all, if they were okay with naming the other two, then why would this one be an issue?

This lead to players speculating on the next agents' abilities, roles, background, and much more. However, very little is known about agents 23 and 24. Despite that, fans expect them to have some incredible abilities, and to quickly become meta.

Valorant Agent 22

Agent 22 was involved in plenty of mystery surrounding its abilities and role. However, that came to an end on 7 March, when agent 22, now known as Gekko, was introduced to the Valorant community.

Gekko is an initiator, who has a very well-rounded kit, and some unique abilities. Using his companions, Wingman, Dizz, and Thrash, Gekko can blind enemies and clear areas.

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Gekko and his companions have been dominating Valorant ranked.

He also has a molly he can use, that causes significant damage in the area it's thrown to. However, Gekko's most astonishing ability is that he can use Wingman to plant the spike.

This makes it much easier for teams to plant the spike, and assume advanced positions at the same time. It also means teams have an easier time getting to good post-plant positions.

Most players have really enjoyed playing with Gekko. Some have even gone as far as saying that he is arguably the best Valorant agent ever released.

Agent 23

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Deadlock is the name of Agent 23, and the character was released in episode 7 ACT 1.

The Norwegian agent is a Sentinel that possesses a unique kit. She is capable of completely stopping enemy rushes, and locking down a bombsite by herself.

However, Deadlock is also very useful on the attacking side. This is mainly because she can block certain entries, making it harder for opponents to hold the bombsite, or play retake.

Valorant Agent 23 Deadlock
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Deadlock is here!

According to Anna Donlon, Valorant executive director, Agent 23 is :

"A sentinel who will stop you dead in your tracks and pull you in for a closer look."

We still don't know how she will fare in ranked or competitive play. However, Deadlock gives teams one more agent to choose from when it comes to the Sentinel role.

The Sentinel meta was very slow, with Killjoy dominating both competitive and pro play. Hopefully, Deadlock can bring more variety to the role.

Agent 24

When it comes to Agent 24, we only know he is going to be a duelist. He's the most anticipated agent because of all the secrecy that is surrounding him.

Since a new initiator agent has already been released, and a sentinel is coming next, it makes sense for the new agent to be a duelist

We will keep this article updated, and you will be able to find any new information about agents 23 and 24 right here.

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