Top 5 NA AL Matches to Watch - Week 2

(Image Credit: Artistic-Differences)

The Academy League started off with a bang last week. CLGA's first debut game was a slaughter fest, with CLGA almost getting perfect game'd by 100 Thieves. The TSMA vs. TLA game was the first game that was streamed and was a bloodbath. With 39 total kills in the game and a Riven, you would think it was the main teams duking it out! 

And that was just week 1. Expect to see more great games come out. 

Here are the top 5 North American Academy League matchups of week 2.

5. CLG Academy vs. Golden Guardians Academy

At the end of Week 1, both teams lost against their opponents. CLG ended the first week with four kills and four towers destroyed  in total against Cloud9 and 100 Thieves. Golden Guardians did well against Cloud9, but they had a tough time against Clutch Gaming. While both teams are winless, that will change for one of these teams by Thursday.

4. Echo Fox Academy vs. TSM Academy

Echo Fox and TSM had the bloodiest battles of last week's Academy League debut. EFA fought against Clutch Gaming and FlyQuest ending with 37 kills in total. Damonte displayed a nasty Zoe against FlyQuest, and Lost remained deathless to the end. While TSMA lost both of their games, they had 28 kills total against Team Liquid and FlyQuest. And one may look at their record so far and dismiss TSMA, but they proved that they are unafraid to fight.

3. OpTic Gaming Academy vs. FlyQuest Academy

OpTic Gaming Academy is a scary team. They had a perfect game against 100 Thieves, and Dhokla played a disgusting Irelia against Team Liquid Academy. FlyQuest Academy had a decent start with a bloody game against TSMA but left Zoe up against Echo Fox Academy and paid the price. However, FLY Fly's visa is having trouble, so Keane has to move to the main roster this week while Pekin Woof subs in for the Academy matches. While Pekin Woof never saw the LCS stage, he is a veteran among the Challenger series. This will be a great test for Palafox to test his laning phase.

2. TSM Academy vs. OpTic Gaming Academy

This will be a great test for both teams. Palafox and Ablazeolive are both from the Scouting Grounds tournament and will face each other once more. Both LemonNation and Akaadian had to sub in for the OGA squad, so it will be a good test to see what the academy roster can do with all its members. TSMA need a victory, and their performance against OpTic will determine if they are a top team or a bottom team. TSMA will look at their bottom lane to get the advantage and convert it to a victory.

1. Cloud9 Academy vs. Echo Fox Academy

Both C9A and EFA are 2-0 and are hungry for more victories. Goldenglue and Keith led their team to victory, but they struggled against the Golden Guardians Academy. Echo Fox Academy had a great start, and Damonte showed that they should not sleep on him or else his Zoe will on them. The team did great against the Shrimp + Keane duo, two players who are at the top in their roles in the tournament. With this match playing on Friday, that means we viewers will be ready with the popcorn.

That's it for my list. Let us know in the comments which matches you're looking out for!

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