With a rich history spanning eight instalments, the Tekken storyline has been filled with hatred and revenge, in the seemingly eternal Mishima family drama. Yet, there have been other rivalries, some equally bitter, while others served as comedic relief. Tekken has always managed to be brutal and serious with its narrative, such as fathers throwing their sons into active volcanoes, yet at the same time, it has featured some more lighthearted and even silly rivalries between biker and bear, or a Japanese schoolgirl and a french maid.
Tekken 8, of course, continues the tradition, perhaps even better than some of its predecessors, with the continuation of its main story and many new and old rivalries reignited. Let's check out Tekken 8's biggest rivalries.
Warning: Some spoilers for Tekken 8 story mode follows
Tekken 8 biggest rivalries
Kazuya vs Jin
We open with the biggest rivalry that marked the main story of Tekken 8. Kazuya and Jin finally settle their scores once and for all in this instalment. The rivalry between father and son, both bearers of the devil gene, has practically lasted since Jin was introduced in Tekken 3, but now it has reached its peak. Their feud has been long-lasting, often involving Heihachi, who was allegedly killed in the previous instalment, so the spotlight is now exclusively on the Jin vs Kazuya story.
Kazuya is determined to conquer the world, using his Devil power and, in the process, taking powers from the demon Azazel, the original source of devil power. On the other hand, Jin finally resolves his internal conflicts and, with the help of his seemingly resurrected mother, Jun, manages to take control of his devil powers, even becoming Angel Jin before the final decisive battle against Kazuya.
Yoshimitsu vs Bryan
A rivalry that has been ongoing since Tekken 3 to this day! As both being products of the two feuding doctors, Yoshimitsu and Bryan have been at each other throats from the very beginning. Dr Abel created Bryan with the aim of killing Dr. Bosconovitch and Yoshimitsu, but after realizing that his lifespan was intentionally made short, Yoshimitsu saves him, and Dr. B extends his life. How did Bryan thank them? By beating up the doctor and defeating Yoshmitsu’s clan, of course - and that's where the rivalry began.
Bryan and Yoshimitsu have killed each other many times in their endings in previous games, but, of course, none of that was canon. This rivalry also seemed to be kinda forgotten in Tekken 7, so it's very cool to see the revival of this conflict in Tekken 8. Yoshimitsu and Bryan are at it again, and the new ending animations in the Character Episodes mode are once again focused on this long-standing clash between a robot ninja and a mad replicant.
Asuka vs Lili
Pairing the two most popular Tekken female characters in Japan is not accidental; Bandai Namco wants them to be the poster girls for the franchise, and that's why their rivalry runs through so many instalments. Who would have thought that a tomboyish schoolgirl and a girl dressed as a French maid who is a wealthy heiress would be popular in Japan?
In Tekken 8, they are something like frenemies; they hang out together all the time, but the rivalry still exists. A good portion of Tekken 8's story will see them fighting alongside each other, like in the battle at Yukushima, only to see them arguing again during the game's good ending, and of course in their Character Episodes ending movies - there's no doubt that this rivalry will continue.
Feng vs Leroy
Leroy is a relatively new character who made his debut in Tekken 7 as DLC, but now he is part of the regular roster in Tekken 8. Despite being in the series for a short time, he has already sparked a rivalry with another martial artist - Feng Wei. After defeating him during the seventh tournament, the two are at odds, much like their approaches to martial arts philosophy.
Leroy uses the Wing Chun technique, while Feng is a master of the God Fist Style, another Chinese martial art, and they are something like polar opposites - so there is that. This rivalry, although it started kinda on a serious note, eventually turns into pure comedy gold in Tekken 8, especially with Feng's ending animation where Leroy's dog Sugar, well... urinates on him, right after a moment that was supposed to be triumphant for Feng.
Those were some of the biggest and most entertaining rivalries in Tekken 8, which one is your favourite?