Now that Subnautica Below Zero has finally hit shelves, you're probably wondering how to make it a little easier.
Outside of learning the game and using mods, the only option you have left is to use console commands. Luckily, its very simple.
Opening Console Commands
To do this on PC, you boot up the game then click F3. after this, press F8 and uncheck the box that says "Disable Console". From here, just press enter and one of the keys down below to get whatever you want.
To do this on Mac, press fn + F3 to bring the menu from before. Then click fn+ F8 and uncheck the "Disable Console" command. Now that this is out of the way, here are some of the details on how to use command keys.
Console Commands
You can find the full list of commands right here but this is a basic explanation of some of the most important functions.
In this list, name represents something in-game that you input yourself, and # represents a number of your choice.
From here, this is a list of commands to use.
- item (name) (#) - adds a number of an item specified in the # section to your inventory
- spawn (name) (#) - spawns something to your location
- nocost - it costs nothing to build or create things
- nosurvival - removes survival elements
- nopressure - gets rid of pressure
- noenergy - gets rid of energy use
- invisible - makes you invisible
- unlockall - unlocks all blueprints
- unlock (name) - unlocked specific blueprint
- oxygen - unlimited oxygen
- day - sets time to day
- night - sets time to night
- fastbuild - makes you build quick
- fasthatch - reduces hatch time
- fastscan - reduces scan time
- fastgrow - grows faster
- fastswim - swim faster
Here's just a few available to you. Make sure to check out the full list for more.