LATEST Steam Black Friday Sales: Best Game Deals, Franchise Offers, & More

It's finally time for the Black Friday deals to begin and the "Autumn Sale" has just started on Steam - there are some huge discounts on some of the biggest games out there and we've hand-picked just a fraction of them for you to check out. Steam has a lot of games and a lot of them are on sale - it could take a while to sift through yourself.

BLACK FRIDAY - Franchise discounts on right now

If you're looking to fill out your Steam Library a little more, it might be worth checking out some of the Franchise discounts that are available during the Black Friday period - these deals offer huge savings on some of the biggest multi-game series on Steam right now.

There are a lot more out there, but these are some of the biggest savings on Steam games right now.

BEST DEALS - Steam Sales right now!

Looking to save a lot? Here are some of the best discounts on Steam right now...

FIFA 22 Steam Black Friday Deal
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SUPER SAVINGS - It's hard to argue with these offers

This is only a fraction of the sales on Steam at the moment - expect the official Black Friday Steam Sale to blow these deals out of the water when it arrives.

This isn't even the Black Friday Sale!?

Strangely enough, at the moment, Steam doesn't actually have any branded Black Friday sale content on the Steam storefront. Most other platforms have started their Black Friday sales already, but it looks like Steam is holding fire for a moment until the actual Black Friday - and Cyber Monday - roll around.

Black Friday is traditionally the Friday after Thanksgiving in the US - this year, it falls on November 25th. As you can imagine, this year's Cyber Monday is going to be on November 28th - the Monday after Black Friday.

With this in mind, we might not see any Steam Black Friday sales actually start until the end of the week. There are a lot of great deals on right now, though - we can't imagine an official Steam Black Friday sale will throw up better deals than this!

Other Black Friday deals to check out

Steam isn't the only place with a good deal - if you're looking for something a little more specific... try these out:

Or, if you want something on another platform...