Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Type Chart: Strengths, Weaknesses & Immunities

There are many reasons that millions of players decide to play the Pokemon games but the top of the list has to be battling.

The fundamental mechanic that has carried the series since its debut; the battling of Pokemon which every trainer needs to learn and the best way to do that is by learning the Type Chart.

Here's a breakdown of every type including their offensive and defensive match-ups.

Grass Type

Sprigatito is a grass type pokemon. Here is the type chart
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One of the first types that a player will be introduced to when starting their adventure, the grass type is one that has always struggled when it comes to the type chart. With lots of types resisting it and just as many weaknesses, it's best avoided outside of a starter.

Grass Attack Type Chart

Grass is super-effective against:

  • Water
  • Ground
  • Rock

Grass is resisted by:

  • Grass
  • Fire
  • Poison
  • Flying
  • Bug
  • Dragon
  • Steel

Grass Defence Type Chart

Grass resists:

  • Grass
  • Water
  • Electric
  • Ground

Grass is weak to:

  • Fire
  • Ice
  • Poison
  • Flying
  • Bug

Fire Type

Fire Type Pokemon Type Chart
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The second of the three starter types is the Fire type. Out of the three starting types, Fire is often the rarest in-game, with many fire-type pokemon not being available until the late parts of the game.

Fire Attack Type Chart

Fire is super-effective against:

  • Grass
  • Ice
  • Bug
  • Steel

Fire is resisted by:

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Rock
  • Dragon

Fire Defence Type Chart

Fire resists:

  • Fire
  • Grass
  • Ice
  • Bug
  • Steel
  • Fairy

Fire is weak to:

  • Water
  • Ground
  • Rock

Water Type

Quaxly is a water type pokemon. Here is the water type chart
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The final of the three starters and by far the most abundant type in most pokemon games is the water type. Pretty much every Pokemon trainer will have a water type in their team at some point, so it's good to know where they shine.

Water Attack Type Chart

Water is super-effective against:

  • Fire
  • Ground
  • Rock

Water is resisted by:

  • Water
  • Grass
  • Dragon

Water Defence Type Chart

Water resists:

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Ice
  • Steel

Water is weak to:

  • Electric
  • Grass

Electric Type

Pikachu is the most famous electric-type pokemon. Here is the type chart.
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A rare fourth option for starter Pokemon is the electric type, usually represented whenever the player is presented with the series mascot Pikachu. One of the higher-tier types, Electric is known for its lack of weaknesses and moves that cause paralysis.

Electric Attack Type Chart

Electric is super-effective against:

  • Water
  • Flying

Electric is resisted by:

  • Electric
  • Grass
  • Dragon

Electric has no effect on:

  • Ground

Electric Defence Type Chart

Electric resists:

  • Electric
  • Flying
  • Steel

Electric is weak to:

  • Ground

Normal Type

Lechonk is a normal type pokemon. Here is its type chart.
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As the name suggests, the normal type is well...normal. The first type that many players will encounter on their travels outside of their chosen starter. The normal type is the all-around average for pokemon. With the least interesting but easiest to remember type chart.

Normal Attack Type Chart

Normal is resisted by:

  • Rock
  • Steel

Normal has no effect on:

  • Ghost

Normal Defence Type Chart

Normal is unaffected by:

  • Ghost

Normal is weak to:

  • Fighting

Ice Type

Cetitan is an ice type pokemon. Here is the type chart
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One of the later-game types in most Pokemon games, the ice type is mostly associated with the water type and was known for its ability to deal with the powerful dragon type.

Ice Attack Type Chart

Ice is super-effective against:

  • Grass
  • Ground
  • Flying
  • Dragon

Ice is resisted by:

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Ice
  • Steel

Ice Defence Type Chart

Ice resists:

  • Ice

Ice is weak against:

  • Fire
  • Fighting
  • Rock
  • Steel

Fighting Type

Kubfu is a fighting type pokemon. Here is the type chart.
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One of the types that will sometimes slip under the radar despite having the most iconic pokemon in the franchise is the fighting type. The fighting type is usually carried by a secondary typing though it still has its uses as a solo type.

Fighting Attack Type Chart

Fighting is super-effective against:

  • Normal
  • Ice
  • Rock
  • Dark
  • Steel

Fighting is resisted by:

  • Poison
  • Flying
  • Psychic
  • Bug
  • Fairy

Fighting has no effect on:

  • Ghost

Fighting Defence Type Chart

Fighting resists:

  • Bug
  • Rock
  • Dark

Fighting is weak to:

  • Flying
  • Psychic
  • Fairy

Poison Type

Toxtricity is a poison type pokemon. Here is the type chart.
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A type that is more known for its use as a secondary type than as a primary one. Poison, as the name suggests, is all about poisoning opponents and draining their health. Poison's use comes from it's use against the powerful fairy type.

Poison Attack Type Chart

Poison is super-effective against:

  • Grass
  • Fairy

Poison is resisted by:

  • Poison
  • Ground
  • Rock
  • Ghost

Poison has no effect on:

  • Steel

Poison Defence Type Chart

Poison resists:

  • Poison
  • Grass
  • Fighting
  • Poison
  • Bug
  • Fairy

Poison is weak to:

  • Ground
  • Psychic

Ground Type

Ground Pokemon Type Chart
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Another type that is best known for its use as a secondary type is the ground type, often being paired with Rock as an unbreakable pairing. The type is perhaps most famous for being the one type that electric is weak against, however, making it one worth considering.

Ground Attack Type Chart

Ground is super-effective against:

  • Fire
  • Electric
  • Poison
  • Rock
  • Steel

Ground is resisted by:

  • Grass
  • Bug

Ground has no effect on:

  • Flying

Ground Defence Type Chart

Ground is unaffected by:

  • Electric

Ground resists:

  • Poison
  • Rock

Ground is weak against:

  • Water
  • Grass
  • Ice

Flying Type

Starly is a flying type pokemon. Here is the type chart.
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One of the first types any trainer will come across, the flying type is almost always included on the teams of players, being a mainstay since the very first games.

Flying Attack Type Chart

Flying is super-effective against:

  • Grass
  • Fighting
  • Bug

Flying is resisted by:

  • Electric
  • Rock
  • Steel

Flying Defence Type Chart

Flying is unaffected by:

  • Ground

Flying Resists:

  • Grass
  • Fighting
  • Bug

Flying is weak to:

  • Electric
  • Ice
  • Rock

Psychic Type

Alakazam is Psychic Type. Here is the type chart.
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What was once the undisputed king of pokemon types, Psychic has been balanced hard in recent years, becoming mostly overshadowed as more games were released.

Psychic Attack Type Chart

Psychic is super-effective against:

  • Fighting
  • Poison

Psychic is resisted by:

  • Psychic
  • Steel

Psychic has no effect on:

  • Dark

Psychic Defence Type Charts

Psychic resists:

  • Psychic
  • Fighting

Psychic is weak to:

  • Bug
  • Ghost
  • Dark

Bug Type

Butterfree is a bug type pokemon. here is the type chart.
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One of the first types that will be encountered in any Pokemon game is, of course, the bug type. As your introduction to the world of evolution in most instances, the bug type isn't the most popular type for final teams.

Bug Attack Type Chart

Bug is super-effective against:

  • Grass
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  • Psychic
  • Dark

Bug is resisted by:

  • Fire
  • Fighting
  • Poison
  • Flying
  • Ghost
  • Steel
  • Fairy

Bug Defence Type Chart

Bug resists:

  • Grass
  • Fighting
  • Ground

Bug is weak to:

  • Fire
  • Flying
  • Rock

Rock Type

Onix is a Rock Type Pokemon. Here is he type chart.
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One of the first types you will have to overcome in many a Pokemon game, the Rock Type usually acts as one of the first major type match-ups that will teach the player about the mechanic.

Rock Attack Type Chart

Rock is super-effective against:

  • Fire
  • Ice
  • Flying
  • Bug

Rock is resisted by:

  • Fighting
  • Ground
  • Steel

Rock Defence Type Chart

Rock resists:

  • Normal
  • Fire
  • Poison
  • Flying

Rock is weak to:

  • Water
  • Grass
  • Fighting
  • Ground
  • Steel

Ghost Type

Here is the type chart for the ghost type pokemon
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What started off as one of the rarest types in the game, the ghost type has evolved the most across the generations, being added to more concepts in very creative ways.

Ghost Attack Type Chart

Ghost is super-effective against:

  • Psychic
  • Ghost

Ghost is resisted by:

  • Dark

Ghost has no effect on:

  • Normal

Ghost Defence Type Chart

Ghost is unaffected by:

  • Normal
  • Fighting

Ghost resists:

  • Poison
  • Bug

Ghost is weak to:

  • Ghost
  • Dark

Dragon Type

Here is the type chart for dragon type pokemon
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One of the most powerful types in the game, the dragon type is associated with legendaries and powerful pokemon you'll encounter across your journey.

Dragon Attack Type Chart

Dragon is super-effective against:

  • Dragon

Dragon is resisted by:

  • Steel

Dragon has no effect on:

  • Fairy

Dragon Defence Type Chart

Dragon resists:

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Electric
  • Grass

Dragon is weak to:

  • Dragon
  • Ice
  • Fairy

Dark Type

Here is the type chart for Dark type.
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Introduced in generation two to help nerf the unstoppable psychic type, the Dark type has become very popular amongst pokemon fans through its selection of strong and cool creatures.

Dark Attack Type Chart

Dark is super-effective against:

  • Psychic
  • Ghost

Dark is resisted by:

  • Dark
  • Fighting
  • Fairy

Dark Defence Type Chart

Dark is unaffected by:

  • Psychic

Dark resists:

  • Ghost
  • Dark

Dark is weak to:

  • Fighting
  • Bug
  • Fairy

Steel Type

Here is the type chart for steel type pokemon
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Introduced in generation 2, the steel type is known as the most defensive type in the game, being a featured part on many teams in the years since due to their ability to deal with both Dragon and Fairy types.

Steel Attack Type Chart

Steel is super-effective against:

  • Ice
  • Rock
  • Fairy

Steel is resisted by:

  • Steel
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Electric

Steel Defence Type Chart

Steel is unaffected by:

  • Poison

Steel resists:

  • Steel
  • Normal
  • Grass
  • Ice
  • Flying
  • Psychic
  • Bug
  • Rock
  • Dragon
  • Fairy

Steel is weak to:

  • Fire
  • Fighting
  • Ground

Fairy Type

Here is the type chart for the fairy type of pokemon
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The last type added to the pokemon series in generation six is the fairy type. Now the most powerful type in the entire game due to its strength against the dragon type.

Fairy Attack Type Chart

Fairy is super-effective against:

  • Fighting
  • Dragon
  • Dark

Fairy is resisted by:

  • Fire
  • Poison
  • Steel

Fairy Defence Type Chart

Fairy is unaffected by:

  • Dragon

Fairy resists:

  • Fighting
  • Bug
  • Dark

Fairy is weak to:

  • Poison
  • Steel
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