Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are just over a month away, bringing a brand new generation of pokemon for trainers to catch along with massive changes to the gameplay we are used to.
With every generation of Pokemon, however, fans want to know which of their favourites will be returning from prior games so they can use them in their playthrough teams.
Here are every confirmed species in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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*LATEST* - Unannounced Pokemon Spotted in Trailer
The newest trailer for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet was a 14-minute look at the gameplay we can expect when it arrives. One of the more surprising parts of this trailer, however, was some hidden new pokemon.
on the mini-map hidden in one of the shots, we got a look at three new Pokemon. A small mouse Pokemon, a Parakeet Pokemon and what appears to be a salt-rock mushroom Pokemon.
Every Pokemon Confirmed for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Below you can find a full list of pokemon confirmed to be found in the Paldea region via the various trailers for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. This list will be updated as we learn more. Not all of these Pokemon might be catchable in the final game but have appeared in its marketing material.
- Sprigatito
- Fuecoco
- Quaxly
- Cyclizar
- Koraidon
- Miraidon
- Cetitan
- Fidough
- Lechonk
- Paldean Wooper
- Pawmi
- Smoliv
- Armarouge
- Ceruledge
- Grafaiai
- Klawf
- Fletchling
- Fletchinder
- Talonflame
- Mareep
- Flaaffy
- Ampharos
- Chewtle
- Drednaw
- Larvitar
- Pupitar
- Tyranitar
- Bagon
- Shelgon
- Salamence
- Venonat
- Venomoth
- Rolycoly
- Carkol
- Coalossal
- Shellder
- Cloyster
- Mareanie
- Toxapex
- Cryogonal
- Gastly
- Haunter
- Gengar
- Fomantis
- Lurantis
- Pichu
- Pikachu
- Raichu
- Growlithe
- Arcanine
- Deerling
- Sawsbuck
- Houndour
- Houndoom
- Snorunt
- Glalie
- Froslass
- Magikarp
- Gyarados
- Murkrow
- Honchkrow
- Girafarig
- Farigiraf
- Skiddo
- Gogoat
- Cufant
- Copperajah
- Psyduck
- Golduck
- Sunkern
- Sunflora
- Slakoth
- Vigoroth
- Slaking
- Cacnea
- Cacturne
- Phanpy
- Donphan
- Dratini
- Dragonair
- Dragonite
- Pineco
- Forretress
- Misdreavus
- Mismagius
- Cubchoo
- Beartic
- Pachirisu
- Pincurchin
- Scyther
- Scizor
- Kleavor(?)
- Swablu
- Altaria
- Tynamo
- Eelektrik
- Eelektross
- Hatenna
- Hattrem
- Hatterene
- Eevee
- Vaporeon
- Jolteon
- Flareon
- Espeon
- Umbreon
- Leafeon
- Glaceon
- Sylveon
- Noibat
- Noivern
- Eiscue
- Stonjourner
- Deino
- Zweilous
- Hydreigon
- Makuhita
- Hariyama
- Meowth
- Persian
- Azurill
- Marill
- Azumarill
- Drifloon
- Drifblim
- Petilil
- Liligant
- Finneon
- Lumineon
- Slowpoke
- Slowbro
- Slowking
- Clauncher
- Clawitzer
- Shinx
- Luxio
- Luxray
- Rockruff
- Lycanroc
- Simistea
- Polteageist
- Hippopotas
- Hippowdon
- Magnemite
- Magneton
- Magnezone
- Rotom
- Wingull
- Pelipper
- Bounsweet
- Steenee
- Tsareena
- Hoppip
- Skiploom
- Jumpluff
- Ralts
- Kirlia
- Gardevoir
- Gallade
- Diglett
- Dugtrio
- Wiglett
- Drowzee
- Hypno
- Happiny
- Chansey
- Blissey
- Igglybuff
- Jigglypuff
- Wigglytuff
- Bonsly
- Sudowoodo
- Dunsparce
- Sneasel
- Weavile
- Teddiursa
- Ursaring
- Ursaluna(?)
- Sableye
- Meditite
- Medicham
- Torkoal
- Zangoose
- Seviper
- Tropius
- Starly
- Staravia
- Staraptor
- Combee
- Vespiquen
- Bronzor
- Bronzong
- Riolu
- Lucario
- Snover
- Abomasnow
- Rotom
- Sandile
- Krokorok
- Krookodile
- Zorua
- Zoroark
- Hisuian Zorua(?)
- Hisuian Zoroark(?)
- Scatterbug
- Spewpa
- Vivillon
- Flabébé
- Floette
- Florges
- Goomy
- Sliggoo
- Goodra
- Oricorio
- Mudbray
- Mudsdale
- Komala
- Skowvet
- Greedent
- Applin
- Flapple
- Appletun
- Sinistea
- Polteageist
- Snom
- Frosmoth