Overwatch is one of the biggest arena shooters in the entire world and Overwatch 2 is only set to make it bigger. This is everything we know about it so far.
LATEST - Battle Pass Appears in Leak
In a recent leak, a battle pass has shown up. When going through game files, you can see a file clearly labelled "battle pass". In fairness, this could be a tongue in cheek joke from the team but it seems more likely we will actually see a battle pass.
Only time will tell what kind of features are in store.
New Overwatch 2 Skins Revealed at Summer Game Fest
Summer Game Fest has fired on all cylinders with massive reveals from the start, and Overwatch 2 has made an appearance!
A new Baptiste skin and Sombra skin for Overwatch 2 were revealed at Summer Game Fest, showing off the new skin creation tech, best demonstrated in Baptiste's new haircut.
Check out the new Overwatch 2 skins below:
Official Reveal Announcement
Luckily, with an official announcement behind us, we don't have to speculate on its existence anymore. We know, for a fact, that Overwatch 2 is planned for release so it's only a matter of time.
Release Date
We don't have a concrete date for Overwatch 2 but we do have a pretty good guess. The important thing to note about Overwatch 2's announcement is that the first game's announcement was in November 2014.
It released two years later in May 2016. This sets a pretty good time frame for Blizzard and hints at something next year.
Added onto this, they likely won't release the game whilst Overwatch League is live, meaning it won't come between April to August. They could bring it out for the very end as a celebration of all things Overwatch, but they might distance it entirely to allow pros to get good at it before they show it off.
To follow in the steps of its predecessor, Overwatch 2 will likely arrive on Xbox One, Series X, PS4, PS5, and PC. On their site, they have promised "A Visual Evolution" but that seems to apply to their skins, more so than the graphics themselves.

Though a Switch port may also be on that list, it's not worth banking on it just yet. We can guarantee the other consoles will get it but Nintendo is a little unsure at this point.
Five New Maps Revealed
Blizzard's Development Update on Overwatch 2 was a treasure trove of information. We got a brand new look at some of the new Hero Appearances, updated information on Ability Changes, and... New Maps!
We now know that Overwatch 2 is going to feature at least five new multiplayer maps and we have the latest on all of them below.
New York City, Toronto, Rio de Janeiro, Monte Carlo, and Rome will all become battlefields in Overwatch 2 and Blizzard's Level Designers have done a spectacular job with each and every one.
What Is Overwatch 2?
Overwatch 2 is a competitive multiplayer shooter expanding on the foundations set by the original five years ago.
On the multiplayer side, we know there's a new type of game mode called "Push". It has two teams fight for a central middle ground to push a robot onto the enemy's side.
Whoever pushes it furthest into the enemy's territory wins. Alongside this, we know there are new maps set in Toronto, Gothenburg, and Monte Carlo as well as a tease for one in Rio De Jaand Monte Carlo as well as a tease for one in Rio De Janeiro.

As well as this, we can see an expanding story alongside a new co-op mode. This new mode boasts characters with new skins alongside story missions that should shine a little light into the mysteries of the Overwatch world. This has you take on the elite forces of Talon, to earn new items for your own character and fight against new factions.
Finally, we will see a brand new reveal tonight with new PVP gameplay. It is said to last two hours and should shine some light on what's next for Overwatch