MLB The Show 23 Baserunning Guide



Mastering Baserunning is one of the most important things in MLB The Show 23 and is something every player should do. You need to get runs in order to constantly win matches, and Baserunning plays an important part in that.

There are many controls associated with Baserunning, so mastering all of them might take some time. But don't worry, this guide will help you become an expert in Baserunning.

So, without further ado, let's check out our MLB The Show 23 Baserunning Guide.

MLB The Show 23 Baserunning Guide

Everyone likes to hit a home run in MLB The Show 23. It gives you an easy run, where opponents can't do anything to stop you from scoring. However, being able to consistently load the bases is what is going to win you games.

To do that, you need to know the ins and outs of Baserunning. It's also very important to realize when you can take a base, or when you should just stay put. Being able to correctly assess these types of situations is very important.

You need to always pay attention to your runners, and see if they are in a good position to steal a base or to be caught off guard by the pitcher. When trying to steal a base in MLB The Show 23, you should also know the speed of your runner. This will have a huge impact in successfully capturing the base, or being tagged out.

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Always pay attention to the open players and their stats when you are trying to steal a base.

It's also very important to wait for the perfect opportunity when it comes to capturing a base. Sometimes, players try to immediately go to the next base, but they get tagged out, or even worst, double tagged out. This will undo all the progress you had and is definitely something you don't want to happen.

Just like with most things in life, and in MLB The Show 23, practice makes perfect. So, make sure you go to custom practice and train your Baserunning on a regular basis.

But before doing that, you need to know all the Baserunning controls in MLB The Show 23.

Baserunning Controls

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Your left stick will allow you to select the runner you want. Just move it in the direction of the runner you want to select. Everyone single one of these buttons A, B, X, and Y for Xbox, or Circle, Square, Triangle, and X for PS5, represent one different base. By pressing one of these buttons, the runner will advance toward that base.

In MLB The Show 23, you can also use the buttons mentioned above to select the runner you want. After doing so, if you press the D-pad in the direction of a base, the player will move toward there and try to capture it.

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It's fundamental you master the Baserunning controls

By pressing and holding LB or L1, all the runners will advance to the next base. If you hold and press RB or R1 instead, all the runners will return. When you press and hold LT or L2, all of your runners will try to steal a base. You can also select the runner you want, and press and hold LT or L2 for him to try and steal a base.

To stop the runner you are controlling, simply press RT or R2. Simply taping LB or L1, will lead off all of your runners. If you want to lead off one specific runner, just select the runner and then press LB or L1.

When you hold and release the LT or L2 before the pitcher begins his windup, your runner will try to steal a base. It's called an early steal. If you can master all these controls, you will be one step closer to becoming a Baserunning good.

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