MLB The Show 21 Xbox: When is it leaving Game Pass?

MLB The Show 21 Xbox was something that seemed unfathomable just a year ago, but now it's become part of the norm.

With the barrier broken down by MLB and Sony San Diego, MLB The Show 21 is thriving on Xbox and Xbox Game Pass, but how long will that last?

MLB The Show 21 Xbox debut was an unbridled success

There were definitely worries and valid questions about how MLB The Show 21 Xbox would be received, especially for a title literally developed by Sony.

However, there's no denying that it saw massive success, with much of that bolstered by the fact that MLB The Show 21 was a day one release on Xbox Game Pass.

That meant Xbox users got it for "free" (if they were already an Xbox Game Pass subscriber), and as such it opened a massive new avenue to expand the existing player and fanbase for the MLB The Show series.

They've even followed it up with Xbox exclusive rewards, including free packs available through the Microsoft Store and recently some extra bonuses via Xbox Game Pass.

Linking those bonuses to Game Pass is extra smart, as the majority of Xbox players likely use that service, and those that don't could deem a first month worthwhile for the rewards.

When will MLB The Show 21 leave Xbox Game Pass?

All good things must come to an end, or so they say. As for MLB The Show 21 on Xbox Game Pass, the future is uncertain.

We don't have much precedent for a title of this stature that sees consistent yearly releases going day one on a service like Xbox Game Pass.

MLB The Show 21 xbox
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THE LONG HAUL: The title could remain on Xbox Game Pass indefinitely

At this rate, with not even the slightest bit of rumor or news that it'll leave, we could easily see MLB The Show 21 remain on Xbox Game Pass through the end of the year or even until the launch of MLB The Show 22.

Could the Xbox move signal an eventual PC release?

One big question mark with the expansion to Xbox is whether Sony San Diego will ever bring the series to PC.

While they teased the possibility, as well as a Nintendo Switch release, neither was seen for MLB The Show 21.

However, it's possible that one or both could have been a result of timing, as they may have reached an agreement to late in the development cycle to have time for a proper port to another platform.

We're hopeful that PC and/or Nintendo Switch will get to play host to MLB The Show 22, but nothing has been made official just yet.

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