LoL 14.7 Patch Notes: Release date, Skarner rework, and more

LoL Toy Terror Cho'Gath splash art.
Credit: Riot Games

LoL Toy Terror Cho'Gath splash art.
Credit: Riot Games

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The LoL Patch 14.7 is here, arriving just in time for April Fools' Day! This patch promises not only some hilarious new skins but also a host of much-needed balance changes and a highly anticipated champion rework.

Skarner's long-awaited VGU takes centre stage, but that's not all. Patch 14.7 will adjust Enchanter supports like Sona and Nami, hinting at a potential shift away from the "damage" support meta, and moving more power into supportive outputs. As always, Riot Games continues its balancing act, aiming to keep both overpowered champs in check and underperforming picks viable for ranked play.

LoL Patch 14.7 release date

According to Riot’s official patch schedule, LoL Patch 14.7 hit live servers on Wednesady, 3 April 2024.

Here are the key release times for different regions:

  • 3 AM PST (NA)
  • 5 AM BST (EUW)
  • 3 AM CET (EUNE)
  • 8 AM KST (Korea)

LoL Patch 14.7 highlights

Skarner rework arrives

The star of Patch 14.7 is undoubtedly Skarner's long-awaited Visual Gameplay Update (VGU). This comprehensive rework transforms Skarner into the "vanguard of Ixtal's protection”, revamping his abilities, playstyle, in-game model, and lore.

LoL Skarner new base splash art.
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Credit: Riot Games
  • Threads of Vibration (Passive): Skarner’s abilities apply Quaking to enemies. Enemies with three stacks of Quaking take %Max HP damage over time.
  • Shattered Earth/Upheaval (Q): Skarner empowers his next three attacks with bonus damage, range, and attack speed. His third attack slams the ground, slowing and dealing significant damage. He can recast Upheaval to throw the rock as a projectile.
  • Seismic Bastion (W): Skarner gains a shield and slams the ground, damaging and slowing nearby enemies.
  • Ixtal’s Impact (E): Skarner charges forward, ignoring terrain, and grabs the first enemy champion or large monster he collides with. He can carry them a short distance, damaging and stunning them if they collide with terrain.
  • Impale (R): Skarner impales up to three enemy champions, damaging and suppressing them. He gains bonus movement speed for a short time and carries them with him until the end of the effect.

Skarner's reworked kit positions him as a gank-focused jungler. His E allows him to surprise and isolate vulnerable targets, especially immobile ADCs. Once caught, these enemies become easy prey for Skarner and his team's follow-up crowd control. Skarner players should prioritise early ganks to snowball their team's lead!

For a more detailed look at his updated abilities, check out our "Skarner reworked abilities explained" guide here!

Support enchanters receive adjustments

Patch 14.6 introduced some buffs to Crit items in response to pervasive player concerns regarding the weak state of ADCs. Patch 14.7 seems to be focusing on the support role, namely the enchanter subclass, with datamined information suggesting adjustments for Sona and Nami.

LoL Immortal Journey Sona splash art.
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Credit: Riot Games

Sona, who has been struggling lately, receives buffs to her bread-and-butter damage source, Passive Q, and W heal ratio. However, to compensate, her Q aura's AP ratio is slightly nerfed. Nami sees a similar approach: reduced base damage on E and W, but a boost to her heal AP ratio.

LoL 14.7 patch notes rundown

Here’s a full list of all champion and item changes in the LoL 14.7 patch update:

Champion buffs

  • Galio
    • Passive AP Ratio increased from 40% to 45%
    • W Base DR increased from 20-40% to 25-45%
    • E Base Damage increased from 75-235 to 90-250
  • Karma
    • R+E secondary shield increased from 30% of E+R to 90% of R (this is a 22% buff) - Single target shield and MS% unchanged
    • W root duration increased from 1.4-2 to 1.6-2
  • Blue Kayn
    • Q bonus AD ratio increased from 0.8 to 0.85
  • Lux
    • Passive AP Ratio increased from 25% to 30%
    • Q AP Ratio increased from 60% to 65%
  • Nasus
    • Passive Life Steal increased from 11/16/21% to 12/18/24%
    • Q Base Damage increased from 30-110 to 40-120
  • Olaf (Jungle)
    • [NEW] Q Monster Damage: 5-25
    • W Duration increased from 4 to 5
    • W Mana Cost increased from 30 to 50
    • E CD Refund changed from 1s yo 1s, 2s for monsters
    • R Mana Cost changed from 0 to 100
  • Smolder
    • Armor increased from 24 to 26
    • Q crit ratio increased from 30% to 50%
  • Sylas (Jungle)
    • Q Minion and Monster Damage changed from 40% to 40% for minions and 70% for monsters

Champion nerfs

  • Fiora
    • Base AD decreased from 68 to 65
  • Rek'Sai
    • Passive minion mod decreased from 50% to 20%
    • Passive healing changed from 12-20% (linear scaling) to 10-20% (linear scaling)
  • Rell (Jungle)
    • All monster mods removed
    • Magic resist decreased from 30 + 1.85 >>> 30 +2.05
  • Volibear
    • Q crits for total AD instead of total ability damage
    • R Cooldown increased from 140-100 to 160-110

Champion adjustments

  • Camille
    • Q move speed increased from 30-40% to 30-50%
    • Q cooldown decreased from 9-6 to 9-5
    • W outer cone damage increased from 5-7% max-HP to 6-8% max-HP
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  • E damage decreased from 80-200 to 60-180
  • Nami
    • W damage decreased from 60-220 + 55% to 60-200 + 50%
    • W heal increased from 55-135 + 25% to 55-155 +40%
      W bounce ratio changed from -15% +7.5% % AP to -10% +10%% AP
    • E damage decreased from 20-80 to 20-60
  • Nunu
    • Recommended items
  • Sona
    • Q+P damage amp increased from 40% to 50%
    • Q aura AP ratio decreased from 0.2 to 0.1
    • W Heal AP ratio increased from 0.15 to 0.3
    • E ally MS increased from 10-14% to 10-18%

Item nerfs

  • Bloodsong
    • Spellblade base AD ratio decreased from 150% to 100%
  • Imperial Mandate
    • Current HP damage decreased from12% to 10%
  • Statikk Shiv
    • Price increased from 2700 >>> 2900
  • Zaz'Zak's Realmspike
    • Void Explosion damage decreased from 20 + 20% AP + 4% target max-HP to 10 + 20% AP + 3% target max-HP
    • Cooldown increased from 8/7/6 to 10

April Fools’ skins

Adding to the fun, Patch 14.7 coincides with April Fools' Day, bringing several wacky and hilarious skins. These "serious skins for serious gamers" include:

  • Choo-Choo Ornn
  • Toy Terror Cho'Gath
  • Durian Defender Rammus
  • Zesty Dip Zac
  • Cheddar Chief Twitch
LoL Choo-Choo Ornn splash art.
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Credit: Riot Games

That's everything we know about the Patch 14.7 update for LoL! You can find the official full patch notes on the official LoL website here.

Whether you're a Skarner main itching to try out his reworked kit, a support player curious about the enchanter adjustments, or simply a fan of wacky skins, Patch 14.7 promises to shake things up on the Summoner's Rift!

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