Is VAR Coming to the Championship?

One of the most divisive developments in modern football is VAR, the Video Assistant Referee. After multiple trial periods around the world, it is now fully embedded across multiple major leagues and national tournaments.

Despite this, one of the more noticeable leagues that is still without this technological advancement is the Championship. Arguably one of the most competitive leagues in Europe, the Championship still doesn't have access to VAR but is that about to change?

Will VAR come to the Championship?

Depending on which side of the fence you fall on, this may be good or bad news. There are currently no immediate plans to introduce VAR to the Championship.

There is, however, a plan that could see a low-cost alternative introduced instead. During the recent off-season, EFL chairman Rick Parry spoke about an alternative that uses four cameras, an iPad and a live feed direct to a video referee in the stands.

The system is run by a tech company called Dartfish and can be set up in under an hour. With far lower costs to run and operate, this new system could be used throughout the Championship as early as the 2023/2024 season.

Would VAR ruin the Championship?

Unfortunately, the standard of officiating in the EFL has been under scrutiny for some time now. The addition of VAR to the Premier League has fans bemoaning the sheer number of game-changing decisions that are incorrect in the lower tiers of English football.

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The FIFA game series is yet to adopt VAR into its gameplay.

That being said, with so many fans still opposing VAR as something that is bad for the sport entirely, it's almost impossible to figure out a solution without enraging one set of fans or another.

For now, we wait to see what comes of the Dartfish solution and hope that it improves the game that we all love!

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