Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity Demo Reveals Frame Rate And Resolution

Earlier this week a new demo for the upcoming Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity was released, giving players the opportunity to check out the game before release.

With the new demo in hand, VG Tech have set to work to figure out what resolution and frame rate the game plays at.

Performance Issues

The game seems to suffer a lot with frame rate stutter, with the demo constantly jumping around 20-30fps.

VG Tech gave a break down of the resolution for the game.

Docked mode uses a dynamic resolution with the highest resolution found being 1440x810 and the lowest resolution found being approximately 1013x570. Pixel counts at 1440x810 are common in docked mode. Docked mode renders the UI at 1920x1080.
Portable mode uses a dynamic resolution with the highest resolution found being 960x540 and the lowest resolution found being approximately 676x380. Pixel counts at 960x540 are common in portable mode. Portable mode renders the UI at 1280x720.
Performance in portable mode is similar to docked mode. Docked mode has a longer draw distance and improved LODs compared to portable mode

As it is a demo, things may change before the full release on November 20th.

The Dynasty Warriors X Legend Of Zelda cross over is due for release on November 20th.

READ MORE: Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity Demo Launching Today

Pre-Order Bonuses

Pre-ordering the game on the Eshop will grant players the Lucky Ladle as a bonus item.

For players that have Breath Of The Wild save data on their console, they will be granted the Training Sword item.

"This weapon can be equipped by Link. While equipped, Link will carry a wooden Pot Lid in his left hand and sometimes guard against attacks automatically."
Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity microtransactions Lucky Ladle
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BEST SERVED HOT: Beat your enemies with the Lucky Ladle pre-order item

Along with the upcoming Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity, fans are eagurely awaiting more news on the upcoming Breath Of The Wild 2, the sequel to the smash hit 2017 game, which will see both Link and Zelda be playable.

READ MORE: Latest Breath of the Wild 2 Speculation & Rumours

But in the mean time, fans have been enjoying Genshin Impact, a game developed by Chinese developers, miHoYo.

miHoYo have taken a lot of inspiration from Breath Of The Wild, and crafted their own smash hit, which has generated over $100 million in revenue in its first few weeks of release.

Genshin Impact is cross platform between PC, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and mobile and allows for up to 4 player co-op.

The game has also been confirmed for Playstation 5, but sadly no news on an Xbox release yet.