How to Level Up Data Bank in Wuthering Waves Quickly

Two Wuthering Waves characters looking at a screen in a lab
Credit: Kuro Games

Two Wuthering Waves characters looking at a screen in a lab
Credit: Kuro Games

Wuthering Waves is an extremely dense game filled to the brim with various gameplay systems that help determine how strong your roster of characters can get. One such system that players are tasked with understanding is that of Echoes and the Data Bank.

The Data Bank is one of your most important tools in Wuthering Waves, and leveling it up is essential in order to progress beyond the basics. Here's everything you need to know about the Data Bank and how to level it up fast in Wuthering Waves.

What is the Data Bank?

Your Data Bank's primary function is to allow you to catch and store Echoes, essentially making it a database for every new Echo you encounter and store. Leveling up your Data Bank allows you to store more Echoes, equip higher-costing Echoes, and even increase the rarity of the Echoes you encounter.

Fortunately for the grindiest of players, the way to level up your Data Bank is also just by absorbing new Echoes, so that's really all you're going to have to focus on.

Calcharo defeating an enemy with lightning in Wuthering Waves.
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How to Absorb Echoes

Echoes are equipment that can be used by Resonators. You can get Echoes by completing challenges and participating in events, but you're going to collect most of your Echoes by defeating enemies in the game's overworld.

Once you defeat an enemy, you'll notice they leave behind a textureless silhouette. That's not a glitch, it's their Echo! Simply walk on over and interact with this silhouette to store the Echo in your Data Bank.

How to Level Up Your Data Bank Fast

There are a few things you'll need to keep in mind if you're looking to save time increasing your Data Bank level.

a man is fighting a monster with a light saber in a video game .
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Credit: Kuro Games

Look for new Echoes

Each time your Data Bank levels up the rarity of monsters will also decrease, resulting in less or no EXP if you keep farming the same monster over and over. You get more EXP by obtaining Echoes that you don't already have. As such, prioritize getting Echoes that your Data Bank does not already have an entry for.

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Prioritize Elite Echoes

Higher-ranked monsters will yield more EXP, and can possibly even drop Elite Echoes. Not only are these Echoes stronger when equipped, but they also give you more Data Bank EXP. As your Data Bank level increases, you'll encounter stronger monsters that drop rarer Echoes.

Visit other Worlds

Going around killing every monster in sight will certainly get you Echoes, but you'll eventually run out of monsters as they reset on a daily basis. When this happens, you can visit a friend's world and defeat their monsters to get each player in your party more Echoes. This means you can technically farm as many Echoes as you want every day.

Best Locations to Farm Echoes

Below are areas with a high density of Elite and Common Echoes:

  • Whining Aix’s Mire
  • Dim Forrest
  • Port City of Guixu
  • Central Plains
  • Desorock Highland

That's all you need to know about leveling up your Data Bank quickly in Wuthering Waves. For more on the game, check out guides on how to raise your Union Level quickly and how to earn Astrite fast. Also, peep our coverage of who the best 5-star standard banner character is.

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