Horizon Forbidden West Saving: Autosave & How to Save With Campfires

Horizon Forbidden West is finally here and with that comes a huge world and a pretty substantial story. Part of experiencing all it has to offer is exploring the world, doing side quests and crafting the best weapons you can. Unfortunately, Horizon Forbidden West's save system isn't always fully obvious. Here's what you should know about it and how the autosave system works.

How does Horizon Forbidden West's Save system work?

Horizon Forbidden West has a handful of central save systems. First, you can manually save from any camp by just going up to them and saving. Unfortunately, you have to unlock them before you are able to save. Luckily, to do this, all you have to do is walk up to them and activate them. This is the most reliable way of saving but can occasionally be a little inconvenient.

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If you don't like to manually save, Horizon Forbidden West also has an autosave function. Unfortunately, it's not quite as frequent as we may like.

How to autosave

There are a few ways to trigger the autosave. Generally, it will activate during main quests, allowing you to leave if you really need to. Unfortunately, this doesn't tend to work in the open world and only really happens around central events.

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Although it may take a little more time, you are best off relying on the manual save system. With this, you don't have to worry whether or not you're up to date and can shut down the game when you want to. If you want to check the last time the game autosaves, go into the pause menu and click to load a game. This will show you all previous saves, including the last autosave. If you are worried you aren't up to date, this is the best way of checking.

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