Genshin Impact 2.4 The Great Banquet of the Adepti: How to Earn Free Primogems

Genshin Impact has expanded on the Lunar New Year Celebration with a new web event called: The Great Banquet of the Adepti.

The Traveler and Paimon have decided to invite the Adepti to celebrate the Lantern Rite in the Serenitea Pot. Knowing the high standards of the Adepti, they seek help from Zhongli for the preparations.

Here is everything you need to know about The Great Banquet of the Adepti and how to obtain Free Primogems through the new event in Genshin Impact 2.4.

Event Details

The Great Banquet of the Adepti will run from January 28, 2022February 6, 2022. Rewards can't be claimed after the end of the event, so make sure to get them while you can!

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Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 10 or above can participate in this event.

The Great Banquet of the Adepti

The main goal of this event is to prepare the celebration in the Serenitea Pot. Therefore, there are different stands or areas with some traditional activities for this type of celebration.

However, most of these areas are locked, and players need to exchange Shimmering Shells to unlock all the regions and gain up to 120 Primogems.

Shimmering Shells are the currency for this event. There are two ways to collect Shimmering Shells.

  • First by playing a fishing minigame called: Salvage at Sea
    • Every day players will have three opportunities to salvage treasures from the previous Jade Chamber
    • Travelers can also salvage Underwater Rarities, unique treasures exhibited on a stand with Chubby
    • Completing the Underwater Rarities Collection will grant players Sanctifying Unction, Exp Material for Artifacts, and 20k Moras
  • Second by completing in-game Challenges
    • Using Resin, completing Daily Commissions, and logging in regularly will grant players up to 800 Shimmering Shells

There are five different areas to unlock in The Great Banquet of the Adepti. Each one of them requires 800 Shimmering Shells. Therefore, travelers need to collect 4000 Shimerring Shells to obtain all the Primogems.

Any extra Shimmering Shells can be used to complete the Underwater Raririties Collection, so nothing will go to waste through the event.

The three attempts for the Salvage at Sea minigame and Daily Challenges restart every 24 hours, so pace yourself and be ready to come back and try again throughout the duration of the event!