Soon, we are finally due to see Season 2 of Fortnite end. Luckily, the Fortnite 20.40 update will help usher it off. This may be the last big update we are due to see for some time. Hopefully, this means Fortnite Season 3 is a little closer than we might expect. If you're looking to get information on Fortnite 20.40, this is what you should know.
LATEST - Just Days Away
As it is due to start next Tuesday, we are now mere days away. Make sure to get the game updated and ready to go in time.
You may also want to plan out some time to give it a go. We don't yet have an official release time but will let you know when we know.
Fortnite Update 20.40 Release Date & Time
Fortnite Update 20.40 is set to be released on Tuesday, 17 May. This is in keeping with the fortnightly routine that has been in place so far this season. Epic already appear to have confirmed this date too!
As usual, we can expect the update to begin at:
- 1 am PT
- 4 am ET
- 9 am BST
- 10 am CET
Servers will be down for a few hours and matchmaking will be disabled 30 minutes prior to the update starting to allow all games in progress to finish up.
What to expect
Like with much of this season, it's hard to know what this Fortnite Update will bring. The previous one was a little more transparent due to multiple Star Wars leaks.

What we're hoping for are event files. We have long awaited the return of a major in-game event and with the way the story has gone in Season 2 so far, it seems like now is the perfect time.
There is every possibility that an event leaks in this update but in Epic really wants to keep things under wraps, they could have another smaller downtime update take place the following week too. Season 3 is not set to start until Sunday, 5 June at the earliest.