Fortnite Season 6 week 4 challenges guide

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We're well into another season of Fortnite now and the weekly challenges keep on coming!

There's also a new weapon, The Recycler, now in-game and an ongoing Easter-themed event to keep you busy. Below, check out everything we know about the Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Week 4 Challenges.

LATEST - One Hour Away

We're just over an hour away from the Week 4 Challenges going live in-game and it seems like another week of fairly straightforward challenges.

Of course, challenges that are combat based are going to be a little harder to do but "Set Structures on Fire" and "Search Chests" should be fairly easy ways to get a little XP boost this week.

This week's Legendary Challenge is all about dealing damage with Primal Weapons, too. You don't even have to get the eliminations, so this should be something you can just do throughout the week and beyond naturally.

Week 4 Challenge Guide

Here are the Week 4 Epic Quests, as leaked by @LazyLeaks_ on Twitter.

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Week 4 Epic Quests
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Each Epic Quest is worth 24,000 XP, meaning that completing them all with net players 168,000 XP, or about two levels.

Here are the Week 4 Legendary Quests.

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Week 4 Legendary Quest
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  • Deal damage with Primal weapons (2500/5000/7500/10000/12500)

The first stage is worth 34,000 XP, while the remaining four are worth 24,500 XP each, giving a total of 143,000 XP.

But, you need to be quick because the Legendary Quest will only be in the game for one week before disappearing.

Release Date

The Fortnite weekly challenges always go live on Thursday at 9am EST/2pm BST.

This means we can expect the week 4 challenges to go live on Thursday, April 8th at 9am EST/2pm BST.

16.20 Update

Last week saw the addition of the first update of Season 6, the 16.10 update.

This update added Raptors to the game, as well as bring the Easter event for 2021, Spring Breakout.

Spring Breakout has brought with it the return of the Grenade Launcher, as well as the new Easter Egg items that can be found across the map, as well as new skins and challenges to complete.

Because of this, we would expect the 16.20 update to be released next week, likely on Tuesday.

This would mean that the 16.20 update could go live on Tuesday, April 13th.