Fortnite Season 4 Week 8 XP Coin Locations Guide

For those looking at where to pick up those XP coins Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4, you've come to the right place!

Week 8 XP Coin Locations

Battlepass XP can be ramped up in various ways, with picking up the XP coins one of the easiest ways to do do so.

Each week, new Coins are dropped into the map at random locations, so here's where they ar each time around!

Coin 1

Take a look at the blue pin on the map below - that's where the first coin is!

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It's a green coin on a cliff - good luck!

Coin 2

Not too far from the first coin, once again check out the blue pin on the map below.

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Here you will find a purple coin, and when you touch it, it will split into multiple small coins.

Make sure you get them all to pick up the XP bonus!

Coin 3

In between Stark Industries and Dirty Docks you will find Coin 3.

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This coin is blue, and is within a garbage bin in a junkyard.

Break the bin to get the coin!

Coin 4

Head south of Stark Industries to find the fourth coin.

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This purple coin is at the top of a tree, so you'll need to get building to reach its height.

Coin 5

It's a fair jouney for the fifth coin, with it being on one of the islands in the south west corner of the map by the Fortilla.

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Look out for a green coin on one of the small bridges between the islands.

Coin 6

After that journey over to the south west corner, you'll be relieved to know another coins in near by.

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Just north of the previous coin, you'll need to head into a wooden house - go up the stairs and break the cupboard to reveal this blue coin.

Coin 7

Head northeast of the sixth coin and you will find the next one just north of Slurpy Swamp.

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Look out for a green coin on the top of a lily pad in the canal.

Coin 8

Head back towards the coastline and head east, you'll find a tent next to a large rock.

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Head into the tent and should see a box present - break it and you'll find the blue coin!

Coin 9

Head north once again, with the next coin just west of Misty Meadows.

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You should find the coin at the end of the Black Panther statue, right by its tail!

Coin 10

Almost there now - head to the south east reaches of the map.

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Find the hidden beach, and you should spot a bathtub with the coin on top of it!

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