FUT Champions Weekend League is a weekend-based competition where players can obtain rewards in Ultimate Team, but this year it's slightly different.
So, find out how you can qualify for the FIFA 22 FUT Champs playoffs and finals below.
How does FUT Champions work in FIFA 22?
Players will need to start off in Division 10 in Rivals and will have to make their way through the ladder until they are able to enter the FUT Champions Finals.
Players will now be allocated points based on their performance, as opposed to the traditional wins format that was used in years past.
Here's how FUT Champs Weekend League is going to work this year:
- Winning a match moves you forward one Stage
- Losing a match moves you back one Stage unless you are on a Checkpoint
- Drawing will keep you at your current position
Plus, the record you’ll need in order to obtain a certain rank is also going to differ.
Check out the ranking system based on your wins and losses below.
FUT Champs ranking system
The number of points you accumulate after playing the 20 games will determine your rewards.
So, how do you actually get to the FUT Champs Finals?
How to qualify for FUT Champions Finals
Once you have accumulated enough points during the season, you’ll be able to enter the FUT Champions Play-Offs, which is also a points-based system.
You can play these playoff games throughout the week when suits you best, then once you've earned enough points, you can enter the FUT Champs Finals.
This final stage is going to take place on Weekends, so make sure you have enough time during these days to get the 20 games in.
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