FIFA 22: How do Headliners cards & upgrades work in Ultimate Team?

The Headliners promo is now in full swing in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team with Team 2 set to be released VERY soon!

So, we are here to clear up the confusion around the upgrades that the new Headliners cards will be getting.

Read on to find out exactly how the Headliners upgrades work in FUT 22.

What are Headliners cards?

Headliners are special dynamic items that are permanently upgraded and have the potential for further upgrades based upon individual and team performances in the remainder of the 2021/22 season.

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EGYPTIAN KING - This card could be on the way in Team 2!

At the launch of Headliners, each Headliners player item is released with an initial permanent upgrade.

This upgrade will make the player's OVR higher than any qualifying performance-based item (Team of the Week or Man of the Match), or their base item if they haven’t received a qualifying upgrade.

For example, Kylian Mbappe received a 93 OVR Headliners card which is one overall point higher than his 92 OVR in-form version.

How do Headliners upgrades work?

Each time a Headliner receives a performance-based item, their Headliners item will also receive an upgrade.

In addition, FUT 22 Headliners will also receive an additional one-time permanent upgrade if their club achieves four back to back wins during the remainder of the domestic league season.

It is important to note that Headliner items will not be upgraded based on Player of the Month, and other promos like Team of the Year, Team of the Season or other FUT Campaigns.

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