FIFA 21: New Freeze Loading Screen - No FUTMAS?, Promo Event & more

There is a new loading screen on FIFA 21, but does it signal the end of a classic promo?

Find out more below.

New Loading Screen


We were expecting the classic FUTMAS promo event to begin this week, but it looks like those plans can be put on ice...

WINTER CHILL! What could this new promo be?
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WINTER CHILL! What could this new promo be?

EA's latest loading screen has a countdown and just shows the word 'freeze' with a wintery backdrop.

Is this promo set to replace FUTMAS, or are we just a week premature?

Nip in the Air

That is not the only clue that something seasonal is coming to FIFA 21.

Reddit user Bendstraw shared the image below online.

CHANGE! Will we see FUTMAS replaced
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CHANGE! Will we see FUTMAS replaced

This was found in the game assets and is likely tied to whatever promo is to be released this Friday.

Lets hope there are still plenty of new SBCs to get stuck into!

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