EVOLVE 101: Results and recap

Evolve wrestling followed up their 100th show the night before with Evolve 101 in Joppa, Maryland. The main event saw a new number one contender named for WrestleMania weekend, and The End continued their war with the rest of the tag division.

Commentary was provided by Lenny Leonard and Ron Niemi.

Riddle becomes Number One contender

In the main event, Matt Riddle battled against Austin Theory, Darby Allin and Jaka in a four way elimination match to crown the number one contender for the Evolve Championship. Theory had ended Evolve 100 the night before by laying out Matt Riddle so there were some interesting exchanges between the two here as they seem to be hinting towards a match at WrestleMania weekend. A lot of back and forth as per usual with four ways and there was a bit of a shock when Austin Theory was eliminated first after taking everybody else's finisher. 

The three remaining competitors then exchanged stiff chops before Jaka hit a low blow followed by a powerbomb to eliminate Darby Allin. This left Jaka to chop it out with his former Catch-Point teammate for a shot at the title. This went back and forth before Riddle hit the tombstone to win the match and become the new number one contender. 

After the match, Riddle cute a bro-mo promising the fans that the next time Evolve appear Joppa he will be the champion. Zack Sabre Jr. came out to the stage for a stare down and Riddle pointed to the belt, telling Zack that he'll see him at WrestleMania.

No Holds Barred as Lee continues his war with Catch-Point

Keith Lee battled Tracy Williams in a no holds barred match that was more memorable for the events at the end of the match than what happened during it. Keith Lee has had his problems with Catch-Point and Tracy Williams for quite a while and in picking up the victory here it looks like he has come out on top. 

The match itself was Okay but a little lackluster. As great as Keith Lee is, him and Williams just don't seem to have much chemistry together, and it doesn't help that it's very difficult to believe Williams could ever do any damage to his much bigger opponent. Lee came out victorious after hitting the Ground Zero. 

After the match, Hathaway got in the face of Keith Lee, telling him he was sick of him. The big man replied by hitting him with a powerbomb, much to the joy of the crowd. With both Hathaway and Williams down, The End appeared and Drennan told us they only care about hurting people and that tonight they will end their war with Catch-Point. This resulted in yet another brawl with Dickinson and Garrini both getting involved. Henry and Drake came come out and cleared the ring with some chair shots to The End.

Match of the Night

Champions collided as Evolve Champion Zack Sabre Jr. wrestled one half of the tagteam champions Chris Dickinson, in a definite contender for match of the night. Dirty Daddy brought his usual intensity while Zack tried to pull his limbs off as only he can do. 

Dickinson showed he was no slouch technically as he went hold for hold with the champ. This was slow and methodical from the start and was an absolute treat to watch. Everything Dickinson does is done with such intensity and meaning that he always looks like he's trying to kill his opponent. 

Sabre Jr. eventually won with a submission after the referee stopped the match when Dickinson seemed to pass out, refusing to tap out. This was an enthralling match for anyone who prefers the slower mat and strike based match that Evolve is renowned for. A superb weekend for Zack, who not only came away with two wins and the Evolve Championship but he also made both Austin Theory and Chris Dickinson look like stars.

Pre Show

Dominic Garrini def KTB

Ray def Dante Cabanero and Ace Perry in a three way

Jason Kincaid def Jarek 1:20 w/Candy Cartwright

Main Show

The End (Parrow & Odinson) w/Drennan def The WorkHorsemen (Anthony Henry & James Drake)

Fred Yehi def Shane Mercer

Zack Sabre Jr. def Chris Dickinson

Joe Keys def Ken Dixon

Keith Lee def Tracy Williams w/Stokely Hathaway & Dominic Garrini

Matt Riddle def Jaka, Darby Allin and Austin in a four-way elimination match to become Number one contender.

Evolve will be back over WrestleMania weekend for Evolve 102 & 103. As well as the WWN Supershow.

What did you think of Evolve 100? Let us know in the comments below!