Of the many items survivors will find themselves picking up in Evil Dead: The Game, amulets are amongst the most useful due to their ability to generate a shield.
Finding the small amulets across the large and open map can prove to be quite the challenge but it's absolutely worth hunting them down and learning the best ways of doing so. Here's some advice.
How to Find Amulets in Evil Dead: The Game?
Much like all of the loot, amulets are randomised from match to match, so no two games will provide the same results when it comes to collecting them.

The most common spawn locations you will find amulets in each game are hidden inside buildings and houses, scattered amongst the random assortment of items that can be found.
Items inside of buildings can be hard to see at the best of times and with amulets being so small, it's common to just walk right by one without realising it. The best way to avoid this happening is by using your flashlight as items will then flash and become more easily visible, including amulets.

Amulets can also have spawn locations outside near structures, often hidden in barrels and boxes s be sure to get close to them when scouting areas just-in-case
The last and most efficient way to ensure a healthy supply of amulets is by unlocking and playing the character of Pablo by completing his mission.

Pablo is a part of the support class and has the special ability to spawn an infinite supply of amulets to fill up shields, though this ability does have a long cooldown. Using this ability to grab amulets to then heal the party is a great strategy for the tougher battles in each match.