Electric Bike vs Mountain Bike: Which Should You Buy?

If you're into cycling, you might have probably asked yourself 'should I buy an electric bike or a mountain bike?'

We appreciate that it can be difficult to pick between the two, however, our guide should help you come to an informed decision by highlighting some of the key similarities and differences between them.

With that being said, let's start by comparing the price...

Electric Bike vs Mountain Bike - Price

While both of them can vary massively in price depending on their specifications, typically speaking, an electric bike will be more expensive than a mountain bike.

This is probably unsurprising given they come with additional batteries and motors which, unlike a standard mountain bike, creates further costs and also adds weight.

To give you an example, a mid-range e-bike, like this PASELEC Electric Bike designed primarily for mountain biking, is more expensive than a comparable Eurobike X1 featured in our list of the best mountain bikes.

Electric Bike vs Mountain Bike Eurobike product image of a black bike with yellow and white details.
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Image Credit: Eurobike

With that being said, e-bikes are considerably cheaper than when they first came out, and you can now pick up a relatively inexpensive bit of kit like this Sailnovo Electric Bicycle featured in our list of the best e-bikes, however, with 14" tyres, it is more suited to commuting than mountain biking.

Electric Bike vs Mountain Bike - Assistance

One of the clear benefits of an electric bike is the motorised assistance they provide to your pedalling.

For beginners, having that added assistance may motivate you to get outside and start cycling which should still help to improve your cardio.

In fact, a 2018 longitudinal study found moderate evidence that suggested e-cycling can improve cardiorespiratory fitness in physically inactive individuals.

Electric Bike vs Mountain Bike PASELEC product image of a grey bike with a black PASELEC logo on the side.
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Image Credit: PASELEC

Moreover, research from 2019 into physical activity found the net loss in physical activity in e-bikers switching from cycling was much less due to an increase in overall distance travelled.

All in all, having the reassurance of the battery and motor seems to make people want to get out and cycle, and to travel further than they ever did before.

Electric Bike vs Mountain Bike - Fitness

A common misconception with e-bikes is they are easy and, in a way, a form of 'cheating' as you are taking away some of the physical challenges of cycling.

While the battery may do some of the work for you, electric bikes do actually require almost as much physical exertion as riding a traditional mountain bike.

A 2019 study comparing e-bikes and mountain bikes found participants average heart rate using an e-bike was 94% (31/33) of the average heart rate during conventional mountain bike use.

This would indicate that the idea of electric bikes being less physically demanding is almost false as the results suggest a near negligible difference between the two.

Electric Bike vs Mountain Bike: Which Should You Buy?

Choosing between the two will ultimately come down to personal preference as you may prefer a lighter, traditional mountain bike over a heavier, and typically more expensive e-bike.

However, when it comes to the idea that e-bikes are a form of 'cheating', we feel that the only person you'd be 'cheating' against is yourself which, if you're having fun and pushing yourself, shouldn't really matter.

If you're also worried about electric bikes not being as physically challenging then don't worry as there is plenty of evidence to suggest you can still improve your cardiovascular fitness riding an e-bike.

Read More: Best Exercise Bikes Available Right Now

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