Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is set to be a nostalgic revisit of the major moments within the cartoon show, with the release date now just two days away.
The new game will see the return of fan favourite characters, new and old, as well as many that viewers may have forgotten about.
Keep reading for ALL characters in the new Dragon Ball Z game.
Full Characters List
Here is a full character list for the new game.
Playable Characters
- Goku
- Gohan (Kid, Teen, Adult)
- Vegeta
- Piccolo
- Future Trunks
- Gotenks
- Vegito
- Krillin
- Tien Shinhan
- Chiaotzu
- Yamcha
READ MORE: All Confirmed Sagas In The New Dragon Ball Game
- Bulma
- Master Roshi
- Android 8
- Launch
- Nam
- Yajirobe
- Cynthia
- Yuzukar
- Android 16
- Videl
- Supreme Kai
- Babidi
- Dabura
- Bonyu
- Alien (Frieza Force soldier)
- Raditz
- Nappa
- Vegeta (Base/Great Ape)
- Cui
- Zarbon (Base/Monster Form)
- Dodoria
- Ginyu Force (Guldo, Burter, Recoome, Jeice, and Captain Ginyu)
- Frieza (1st Form/2nd Form/3rd Form/Final Form/100% Full Power/Mecha-Frieza)
- Cell (Imperfect/Semi-Perfect/Perfect/Super Perfect)
- Majin Buu
- Evil Buu
- Super Buu (Base/Absorbed Gotenks/Absorbed Gohan)
- Kid Buu
READ MORE: Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Preorder Bonuses & Editions
The following named and unnamed characters are enemies in the new game.
- RR Mech Soldier
- Skull Robo Type 3
- Android 17
- Android 18
- Android 19
- Dr. Gero
- Pui Pui
- Yakon
- Dinosaurs
- Appule
- 2 brown Appule's race members
- Frieza Force machinery robots
Release Date
The game will launch on the 17th of January 2020.
With the game launching on the 17th, if a demo was to arrive, we can hope to see one within a few weeks of launch.
READ MORE: Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Demo release & Beta details
If a demo was to arrive, it will likely arrive on all platforms.
Season Pass And DLC Release Date
The game will come with a season pass, which will include two-story missions.
It's unclear what these are if, they're covering the majority of the DBZ story in the full game at release, you're likely to be left with the movies; traditionally seen as non-cannon.

DOLLAR BALL Z: The franchise has had video games made based off of its property for 33 years, selling well over 50 million copies
With that in mind, there are plenty of choices. The one that makes the most sense is the Broly movie, as it can fit in as a post-game mission; considering how popular the recent movie was, even if it wasn't from DBZ.
READ MORE: All Confirmed Sagas In The New Dragon Ball Game
Perhaps characters such as Broly, or movie specific ones will appear in the story at a later date as DLC.