Biofrost: Reaching for greatness

(Image Credit: Riot Games)

Vincent "Biofrost" Wang seemingly came out of nowhere. He joined Team SoloMid in the middle of 2016 as a replacement for veteran support Bora "YellOwStaR" Kim. Under other circumstances, it would be reasonable for Biofrost to spend his first NA LCS split learning the ropes and adjusting to his new role on the team, but TSM had just come off a shaky 2016 Spring Split, and they still had the reputation of a North American powerhouse to uphold.

There was no time for learning. If Biofrost wanted to grow into a player worthy of fighting under the TSM banner, he had to do it on the fly. And that’s exactly what Biofrost did. 

Despite being a complete rookie, he played with skill and conviction that put most veterans to shame. He also fully embraced the aggressive playstyle of his superstar lane partner Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng, turning their duo into the most explosive bot lane in the league. 

With his help, TSM surged to a first-place finish with an impressive 17-1 regular season record and back-to-back playoffs victories over their long-standing rivals in CLG and Cloud9. It was a perfect start to his LCS career. But things were about to get even better. 

For the next two years, Biofrost continued to enjoy domestic success on TSM. His mechanics kept getting sharper with every game, and his calm and well-spoken demeanor quickly made him a fan favorite. Combine that with the fact that he was also the only variable that changed between the bumbling failure that was the TSM of 2016 spring and the confident juggernaut that was the TSM of 2017 summer, and it was easy to think of Biofrost as the next great North American support. 

But he wasn’t. 

The lack of international results forced Team SoloMid to overhaul their roster, and Biofrost was the first on the chopping block. He joined Counter Logic Gaming thinking he could keep the momentum going on a new team, but he fell short. The 2018 NA LCS Spring Split saw CLG fail to make the playoffs for the first time in organization history, and while they tried to bounce back, they suffered a similar fate in summer. 

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