New Rampart Rework coming to Apex Legends in 1.80 Update

The Rampart Rework is almost here! Apex Legends' next title update is just about here and we can't wait to jump into the Evolution Collection Event and all the changes being made - however, there's only really one Legend worth talking about at the moment: Rampart. Here's the latest...

ALSO, THIS - She has an Heirloom now!

The Evolution Collection Event really is a celebration of Rampart. She's getting a rework in the 1.80 Update, her Town Takeover is a main feature of the latest map changes, and she's taking over Apex Legends' Arenas for a while!

On top of all this, she's getting an Heirloom: The Problem Solver.

Apex Legends Rampart Rework
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PIPE WRENCH - It's a Wrench... Bash people with it and they'll die, right?

All you need to do to unlock this is collect all 24 Event-exclusive cosmetics during the Evolution Collection Event. When it's over, you'll be able to craft it with 150 Heirloom Shards if you have them knocking about.

" For all of her hard work, Rampart’s getting a “Problem Solver:” a brand-new Heirloom pipe wrench, complete with a gumball dispenser. Who could ask for anything more?"
Apex Legends Rampart Heirloom
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BUBBLEGUM - You can chew while you slew... Well, slay. We tried.

RUN AND GUN - Rampart Mains, it's time to prepare...

We haven't seen too much of Rampart in action after her rework in the 1.80 Patch - but it looks like she's going to be a tough Legend to overcome going forwards. In the Evolution Event Trailer below, you can see Rampart in action at the 00:57 mark and then again at the 01:23 mark.

It doesn't look like Rampart's Mobile Sheila suffers from too much recoil and that concerns us. Is she really about to become the best Legend out there? It's hard to imagine a team composition without her going forwards.

RAMPART REWORK - What's changing?

You'll be pleased to know, that there's actually not a lot changing regarding Rampart's damage output - the rework being mentioned is purely a buff to her ability set and stats.

To put it plainly, Sheila is going mobile and this should be exciting for Rampart Mains and terrifying for everyone else. The Evolution Collection Event Patch Notes have said the following:

  • Sheila has gone mobile!
    • Rampart will now be able to run around with Sheila out and shoot while walking. The spin-up is longer, and she only gets 1 magazine in this mode.
    • Once Sheila is out, you can put it away and pull it back out until you run out of ammo (or hit the cooldown time).
    • At any point, you can still place Sheila down for your teammates to use. Once placed, it has infinite reloads and acts just like the previous version. You cannot pick it back up.

You might only get one Sheila Magazine when you're walking around, but this could make Rampart a dominant force in the final circle. In addition to this, as long as you place it down before you've spent your last round, it'll be available as a standard Sheila Turret with infinite reloads.

Apex Legends Rampart Rework
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ACTUALLY INSANE - One Magazine is all you'd need, really...

The only real change is the "Spin-Up" time - Sheila's still going to deal as much damage as she did before. We don't know how accurate hip-firing Sheila is, but you can imagine how devastating this could be. We can't wait.

UPDATE TIME - When do the changes go live?

The Evolution Collection Event - which will also include a title update for Apex Legends with the Rampart Rework - is due to be released on September 14th.

Respawn Entertainment hasn't specified the time just yet, but we can hazard a guess based on the time of day previous updates have been released. We should see the title update go live around the following times on release day:

  • 10:00 PST
  • 13:00 EST
  • 18:00 BST

You can check out the event's Announcement Trailer below for a rundown of what to expect:

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