Respawn Entertainment's upcoming Apex Legends event isn't as festive as it could be - especially after last year's Holo-Day Bash - but it's still going to be worth checking out. The Raiders Collection Event is introducing a set of pirate-themed cosmetics to Apex Legends. The Winter Express LTM is making a return, though, so it isn't completely un-festive. Here's the latest on the event and when it starts...
START TIME - When does the event begin?
Respawn Entertainment hasn't specified when the Raiders Collection Event is due to start - but we can look at previous in-game events and updates to get a sense of the timeline Apex Legends' update will release on.
It's worth taking this with a pinch of salt, but we should see the Raiders Collection Event start at the following times:
- 09:00 December 7th - PST
- 12:00 December 7th - EST
- 17:00 December 7th - GMT
Here's a recap of everything on the way later today:
UPDATE - New look at some Raiders cosmetics
The Apex Legends team has already detailed all the new content coming in the Raiders Collection Event and now we're just waiting for everything to start. We do, however, have a better look at some of the new event-limited cosmetics...
Apex Legends has been showcasing individual skins on their social media channels - we should see a couple more highlighted in the build-up to the Raiders Collection Event itself. Check out the latest below...
Burial At Sea - Revenant
Deep Current - Wattson
Start Date - When does the Raiders event kick-off?
The Raiders Collection Event is going to be a little shorter than the last Collection Event we saw, but there's still a lot of content available. It's going to start on December 7th and should run until December 2nd.
At the moment, we don't have confirmation of a specific time - however, it should start at the usual time for Apex Legends events and at the same time as the store refresh.
Speaking of the store refresh, the Raiders Collection Event store rotation is going to introduce a couple of new Legend skin bundles alongside some returning fan-favourites. You can check out everything available below:

Reward Track - Another batch of free cosmetics
If you're looking for something a bit more "free", then we have you covered. Apex Legends' Raiders Collection Event adds a new Reward Track for players to complete over the next two weeks.
As you can see below, the Crypto skin is the "main prize" for this Reward Track - however, there is a Flatline Weapon Skin and some awesome-looking Badges available as stretch goals.

At the moment, we're under the impression that the Banner Trackers available are going to be for Wattson and Pathfinder.
Winter Express LTM - It's back, baby!
In an effort to be somewhat festive, Apex Legends is bringing back the Winter Express LTM from last year's Holo-Day Bash celebrations. This is a three-squad mode that takes place on a moving train.
The objective is simple - all you need to do is capture the train and win three rounds - however, the gameplay is far from that. It's an intense fast-paced mode with limited loot and a lot of death. You're going to be able to use Health pick-ups 50% faster than normal, too, but there's no DNBO state.

This time around, Respawn Entertainment is letting Apex Legends players choose their load-outs before they drop into the game. This opens up a new level of strategy that Arenas players will be thankful for. It's only going to be around for the duration of the Raiders Collection Event, so be sure to drop in while you can.
Wattson Heirloom - *manic screeching*
Wattson has been the longest-serving Apex Legends without an Heirloom item - until today. Well... Not today, exactly - the Raiders Collection Event hasn't started just yet. However, when the Raiders Collection Event DOES start it's going to be available and we can't wait!
If you want to unlock the Wattson Heirloom item, you're going to need to collect all 24 event-related cosmetic items before the Raiders Collection Event finishes. However, we're expecting it to be available after the Raiders Collection Event is over in the Apex Legends store as a purchase you can make with Heirloom Shards.
You can check out the first look at Wattson's Heirloom below:
Patch Notes - Balancing changes and bug fixes
If you're looking to check out the more minute details of Apex Legends' newest title update, we have the rest of the Patch Notes related to the Raiders Collection Event below for you...
Balancing Changes
- Seer
- Decreased Focus of Attention detonation delay from 1.6s to 1.4s
- Arc Star
- Sticks - Base stick damage lowered from 30 -> 10
- Sticks - Shield Damage Multiplier increased from x3 -> x4 (stick on a shielded enemy will now max out at 40 instead of 90)
- Sticks - Sticking an enemy now applies a slow debuff (reverting Legacy update change)
- Non Sticks - Slow duration is now driven by distance to the centre of Arc Star detonation
- Splatter Rounds
- Removed increased magazine capacity
- Crafting
- Shotgun ammo, sniper ammo, and arrow crafting output reduced to a single stack
NEW Custom Reticle Color System
- Found in "Gameplay Settings" under "Customize" option;
- Select a colour from some of our recommended favourites
- Use the colour and brightness sliders to find that perfect colour
- Manually enter an RGB colour
- Toggle between 4 different hand-picked environments to preview your reticle
Legend Gameplay Fixes
- Wattson: Fixed the issue with fences “sticking” when trying to place a node near a fence.
- Wattson: Fixed bug for cases where Wattson’s Fence nodes ignored player collision.
- Wattson: Fixed bug with the blueprint line not showing up to signify where the fence will be created.
- Wattson: Fixed issue where Caustic’s Ultimate isn’t zapped by the Interception Pylon.
- Wattson: Fixed bug where Arc Stars could stick to and damage the Interception Pylon
- Ash: Based on feedback we’ve increased the audio presence of Ash’s Ultimate.
- Ash will no longer “bleed” when shot and now displays sparks [like Pathfinder and Revenant].
- Ash: fixed cases where a grid pattern would show on some rare and common skins.
- Valkyrie / Revenant: Fixed a bug where using a Skydive with Death Totem at a specific time caused Valkyrie’s skydive to enter a bugged state.
- Valkyrie: Fix for Birthright Skin where Valk’s jetpack control clips into her hands in the first person.
Arenas Gameplay Fixes
- Arenas: Fixed bug where Seer could continuously charge his tactical after it’s reached zero uses.
- Arenas: Reduced reconnect times since the matches are shorter than a Battle Royale match.
- Arenas: Fix for missing ammo UI on the common, rare, or epic, CAR.
- Arenas: Fix for missing horizontal black bars while spectating.
- Arenas: Fix for cases where the Death Tab is missing from the shop window.
Additional Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with a spot on Storm Point where players could camp in unintended areas near Command Center.
- We also addressed multiple minor bugs around the map ranging from misplaced kill triggers and holes in geo.
- Bocek Compound Fracture Legendary skin bug: Fixed an issue where players would still see iron sights when aiming even if another sight is equipped.
- R-301 Dynastic Cycle Legendary skin bug: Fixed an issue with the gun using a mix of two different skins.
- Fixed bug for cases where the Loba Edition displays “No Price Found” when viewed in the store tab.
- Based on feedback we’ve reduced the SFX on reactive skins for the Volt.
- Fixed bug where players were unable to scroll downwards when looting a death box or black market.
- Fixed bug that was preventing players from getting Rampart’s Heirloom even after buying all 24 event packs.
- Fixed bug where players could skydive faster after spamming Ping.
- Fixed issue with players seeing the 888 Elite Mode Badge constantly unlocking.
- Fixed bug where dive trails were not rewarded properly.