Apex Legends Black Friday - Rare skins return in new sale

Apex Legends Black Friday event has officially landed with some new rare skins at a reduced price.

With Black Friday happening tomorrow, gaming communities are looking for the best deals.

One of these deals is in Apex Legends with a number of older skins returning at a reduced price.

The newly recoloured skins will be able to be purchased from the Apex Legends store right now.

So, let's take a look at the Black Friday sales in Apex Legends and how you can get your hands on them.

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What's Included in the Apex Legends Black Friday Sale?

Here are some of the key skins coming in the Black Friday sale in-game.

Octane's Run the Street Bundle sale

Octane Black Friday sale in Apex Legends
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The best skin in this line-up is the brand new skin for Octane titled 'Run The Streets'.

Appropriately named for a streetwear skin, it fits Octane's aesthetic perfectly.

This is also bundled in with a brand new Octane emote for Apex players.

Apex Legends Red Alert Mirage

Mirage in Black Friday sales in Apex Legends
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However, one of the returning skins which boasts a high rarity is the Red Alert Mirage.

This skin has only been available twice and has never had a recoloured version before.

This is really a skin worth spending some coin on.

Other skins

Lifeline Guardiuan angel skin in APex Legebnds
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Other skins to note are here...

  • Lifeline, Guardian Angel
  • Rampart, Clean-up Crew
  • Mirage, Night Crawler
  • Rampart, Crimson Fixer
  • EVA-8, Repeat Offender

Additionally, there are even more skins coming to the line-up which will definitely spruce up gameplay.

These skins are all available at reduced prices until November 29, 2022.

So, check out the sales and see what rare cosmetics you can grab before they leave the Apex Legends store again.