All LoL Briar Abilities Revealed

LoL Briar
Credit: Dot Esports

LoL Briar
Credit: Dot Esports

The much anticipated new League of Legends champion, Briar, is finally here. She's only available in the PBE for now, but this means players can finally try her out.

Briar is one of the most unique LoL champions ever. The developing team was very ambitious when creating her. They delivered a champion with a fantastic design, a very interesting backstory, and a one-of-a-kind ability kit.

Because Briar's ability kit is so unique, knowing exactly what each ability does is crucial. Only this way will you be able to master her, and destroy your enemies along the way.

Without further ado, let's find out what are Briar's abilities and how they work.

LoL Briar abilities

Like the vast majority of LoL champions, Briar has four core abilities and a passive. However, some of her abilities are different from anything you have ever seen before. This can be used as a huge advantage since most players won't know what they do.

LoL Briar
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But you should also keep in mind that her abilities aren't easy to master. If you are looking for a "risk-free" champion to play, then Briar isn't for you. Depending on how you use her kit, she can be unstoppable or borderline useless.

So, let's check out all of Briar's abilities below.

Crimson Curse (Passive)

LoL Briar Crimson Curse
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Crimson Curse is Briar passive. Using her attacks and abilities, Briar applies a stacking bleeding effect on opponents. This heals Briar for a percentage of the damage she dealt.

If a bleeding enemy dies, Briar will heal for a percentage of the bleeding damage. It's worth also noting that, Briar gains increased healing based on missing health, but that she has no health regeneration.

Head Rush (Q)

LoL Briar Head Rush
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Briar Q is called Head Rush and is a gap-closing ability. With this ability, Briar leaps into an enemy, stunning them, breaking their armour, and also dealing damage.

This ability can also be cast on minions or jungle monsters. It's perfect to use in a gank, as it allows you to quickly shorten the distance to your enemy, and even stun him.

Blood Frenzy (W)

LoL Briar Blood Frenzy
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Blood Frenzy is Briar W ability, and it's great to target a single champion. When Briar activates Blood Frenzy, she leaps into the closest enemy and gains increased attack speed, move speed, and her attacks deal damage in an area.

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Briar can also reactivate Blood Frenzy, which will allow her to deal a large chunk of damage to her opponent. The attack deals increased damage based on Briar's missing health, and it also heals her based on the damage she dealt to the opponent. It's worth noting that, Blood Frenzy goes over walls, making it another good gap-closing ability.

Chilling Scream (E)

LoL Briar Chilling Scream
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Chilling Scream is Briar's E ability, and it allows her to channel a "powerful scream", that damages and slows enemies. When Briar is charging her Chilling Scream, she heals for a percentage of her max health.

If fully charged, this ability knocks back enemies and stuns them if they hit a wall. However, this is a very slow ability to cast, which makes it harder to land. At the same time, it does a lot of damage if you manage to connect it.

Certain Death (R)

LoL Briar Certain Death
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Her Ultimate is called Certain Death and never did an ability name make so much sense. Briar kicks a "hemolith", which marks the first champion it hits. She will instantly leap on the marked champion, and fear surrounding enemies. Briar will pursue her enemy until one of them dies.

Certain Death gives Briar the effects of Blood Frenzy, plus more magic resist, armour, lifesteal, and move speed. This is a very tricky ability since Briar will follow her prey everywhere she goes until one of them dies. So, if you don't use it carefully, this ability can easily result in your death.

If you want to know when Briar will go live in the PBE, make sure to check out our article.

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