Apex Legends' next Collection Event has been leaked; Here's what we know

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The next Apex Legends Collection Event, codenamed Japan Legacy, is due to release sometime soon. Here's everything you need to know about what it's all about and when we could be seeing "Japan Legacy" drop.

LATEST - Possible Release Date Leaked

We still don't know anything about the Apex Legends "Japan Legacy" Collection Event, but we might have just been offered the release date for the next Collection Event by notable Apex Legends leaker Shrugtal.

We could see Apex Legends' next event arrive as early as June 29th, which would mean we should start seeing something about it from Respawn Entertainment throughout this week.

Of course, take this with a grain of salt, but it's worth keeping an eye out...

Apex Legends "Japan Legacy"

There's a new Collection Event on the way to Apex Legends; That much is something we already knew. There's always a new Collection Event in the works.

Japan Legacy, currently only a codename for the event, is reportedly the next Collection Event coming up. This means there will be a new POI Takeover on one of the Apex Legends maps, a series of in-game challenges to complete, and a new cosmetic set to unlock and/or purchase with Apex Coins.

As the name might suggest, it will reportedly lean heavily on the "Japanese Theme". This includes Samurai stylings for Legend skins, Cherry Blossom decals on everything else, and more.

Apex Legends Japan Legacy Caustic Collection Event
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CHAOS THEORY - This was the last Collection Event we saw in Apex Legends and it looks like Caustic might be getting another new skin!

There are also rumours that Revenant is the next Apex Legend to get his Heirloom added to the game. Crypto, Wattson and Rampart have all had their Heirlooms leaked already though. Only time will tell until we find out which one Respawn Entertainment is going to add.

Latest Leaks & Reveals

GarretLeaks is one of the main data miners behind the current slew of leaks. There isn't too much to talk about at the moment but here's what we know so far.

As we can see in the tweet below, Caustic has a Samurai-inspired appearance and Fuse is getting a new skin too! The Apex Packs have also received a cosmetic change for the Collection Event, which is no surprise, and it looks like Revenant's Heirloom is a Climbing Axe / Ice Pick.

Here's a better look at the Heirloom in action, too:

Another prominent Apex Legends data miner seems to think the new Collection Event could be arriving much earlier, though. With the ALGS Item Sale going on for another two weeks in the Apex Legends store, they believe that the upcoming Collection Event could start straight after on June 8th.

This would clash with another previously-leaked Arenas Flash Event, though. So, take it all with a grain of salt.

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