Apex Legends Season 14 Reformed King's Canyon: Map Changes, New POI, Colour Palette, and More

King's Canyon is one of Apex Legends most popular maps. Located on the planet Solace, it boasts a large choice of areas to land.

However, developers at Respawn Entertainment have seen the map and want to change it. There are updates to the visual details of the map, building placement, and some colour changes too.

So, let's take a look at how the map has been changed to get itself ready for the latest season of Apex Legends which is out on August 9 2022.

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Focus for the King's Canyon changes

The developers at Respawn Entertainment wanted to focus on improving map health. This means adjusting pacing, where squads clash, balanced landing zones, and loot dispersion.

Map Changes

The changes to the map in Apex Legends have been made to help improve the map's health and keep it current.

The developers have increased the land mass of the map as well as adding some new buildings to it. Additionally, Hillside has been remixed so that it has more of an open structure. This allows for more team clashes and better fights.

King's Canyon from Apex Legends
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However, with the addition of these ideas, there has also been a removal. Nothing huge, but the floor of the cage has been removed. This once again allows for more open team fights.

King's Canyon Relic POI added

A shiny new POI has also been added to King's Canyon. The zone has a giant skull in the middle where Legends can run under to gain shelter. It's a mid-sized zone which offers Legends some better rotational options.

Relic POI from Apex Legends
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There have also been some visual changes to the map. The dull and grey filter has been updated to give it more life. Vibrant colours now flood the King's Canyon as Apex Legends fight their way to survival.

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